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Best Dubai Data Packages Under AED 30

Best Dubai Data Packages Under AED 30

All data pack­ages are being added here which can be acti­vat­ed for 30 dirhams. Du and Eti­salat in UAE have the best pack­ages that cus­tomers can acti­vate accord­ing to their needs. Dubaisims brings you a list of all the pack­ages that Du or Eti­salat cus­tomers can acti­vate by select­ing their SIM. So, if you are look­ing for the Best Dubai Data Pack­ages Under AED 30 then come here.

Du Data Packages Under AED 30

There are very lit­tle amount of pack­ages by DU which come under AED 30. You can see these pack­ages and acti­vate them using their acti­va­tion USSD codes.

Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 31 Hour
Unlim­it­ed (3Mbps)*222#AED 52 Hours
30MB+2 Local Mins*135#AED 3.1524 Hours
60MB*135*6#AED 2.11 DAY
100MB*135*6#AED 3.151 DAY
120MB (Social)*135*5#AED 3.151 DAY
150MB*135*6#AED 3.01 DAY
200MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY
300MB (Social)*135*5#AED 4.01 DAY
250MB+250MB Social*135#AED 30Month­ly
  • Social data is valid for What­sApp, Snapchat, Face­book, Insta­gram, and GoChat
  • Dial *135# or call helpline 155 from your Du sim to stop and acti­vate any ser­vice

Du has more inter­net data pack­ages but these are above AED 30. If you need details of these plans, con­tin­ue read­ing the Du data pack­ages page where the lat­est prices and pack­ages are giv­en. Keep in mind that we reg­u­lar­ly update the prices and pack­age details but it is pos­si­ble that some of the plans are still not updat­ed. If you found any out­dat­ed plan or con­tent feel free to com­ment below.

Etisalat Data Packages Under AED 30

75MBAED 2.5Dai­ly
150MBAED 4 (5% VAT exclud­ed)Dai­ly
250MBAED 8Dai­ly
500MBAED 15Dai­ly
1000MBAED 30Dai­ly
525MB/75MB dayAED 15Week­ly
1.05GB/150MBAED 25Week­ly
Unlim­it­edAED 31 Hour
Unlim­it­edAED 63 Hours
Eti­salat Social Pack­ages Under AED 30
150MBAED 2.5Dai­ly
250MBAED 4Dai­ly
1.05GB (150MB/Day)AED 157 Days
1.75GB (250MB/Day)AED 257 Days
120MBAED 2024 Hours
300MBAED 424 Hours
200MBAED 324 Hours
250MB Local+250MB SocialAED 3030 Days
  • Social net­works are usable for Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, LinkedIn, WeChat, Snapchat, What­sApp, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and the Inter­net Call­ing Plan Apps (text only).
  • Dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the pack­age
  • Dial *800*5# to acti­vate the hourly inter­net pack­age on Eti­salat

Etisalat Local data Addon Under AED 30 Packages List

AED 10.00250MB24 Hours
AED 5.00100MBDai­ly
AED 4.00150MBDai­ly
AED 2.0060MBDai­ly
AED 14.2875MB/day7 Days
AED 23.80150MB/day7 Days
AED 20.00300MB7 Days
AED 30500MB28 Days

Eti­salat is also offer­ing an unlim­it­ed data plan includ­ing 50 inter­na­tion­al min­utes. Why do you not think about this? This is an amaz­ing plan which is unlim­it­ed and has non­stop data plans.

Dial *135*5# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate this pack­age. Remem­ber that dai­ly FUP is 150MB at 192Kbps and then unlim­it­ed data at 64Kbps speed. If you need more plans you can check the lat­est Eti­salat data plans.

There are many more plans avail­able like Eti­salat 30GB data for 30 AED for 28 days. Dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate this pack­age or read Eti­salat 30GB data plan.

Finally: The best Dubai Data Packages Under AED 30

Eti­salat and Du pro­vide good 4G and 5G cov­er­age in the UAE. Some areas like vil­lages etc., may have some dif­fer­ences. You can select your SIM accord­ing to your area and choose any good plan for you from the giv­en list. Both net­works have good pack­ages and both have data pack­ages under AED 30. Now, you have to decide SIM card accord­ing to your needs.

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