Posted inSIM Guide

Best Methods to Check Who Called Me From This Number UAE

Who Called Me From This Number

Do you receive calls from known num­bers? In the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, like oth­er coun­tries, fraud has start­ed to increase, due to which peo­ple are very wor­ried. If you want to know who called me from this num­ber UAE? So you have to fol­low some of the meth­ods men­tioned by us after which you will be able to get the caller’s address, name and oth­er infor­ma­tion eas­i­ly.

Many peo­ple have a habit of not pick­ing the calls from unknown num­bers received on their mobile phones. Every day there is a new update in mobile phones, most of which are Android mobiles, which tell about the num­ber and whether the received call is spam or not.

Google is pay­ing more atten­tion to this thing. Even when you get a call from an unknown num­ber, the screen turns red. This lets the recip­i­ent know that the num­ber is fraud­u­lent and can reject the call. Apart from this, there are many ways by which they can find out the name of the caller. There are strict laws in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates but not much law has been made yet to pre­vent online fraud. There­fore, each per­son has to keep his secu­ri­ty.

You should care about known numbers calling those living in the UAE

There are many rea­sons why you should be care­ful when receiv­ing calls from unknown num­bers. If you want to avoid the scam, you have to be very care­ful and after attend­ing the call, answer the per­son keep­ing your secu­ri­ty in mind. Here are some rea­sons that are impor­tant for you to know.

  1. Avoid Scams and Fraud
    • Unknown num­bers can be frauds and scams to col­lect your per­son­al infor­ma­tion.
    • It can fraud­u­lent­ly col­lect your data like ID num­ber, address, bank account, PIN and oth­er such infor­ma­tion.
    • They can track your num­ber and track your every move.
    • It can end up being hor­ri­ble like black­mail­ing etc
  2. Ver­i­fy the Callers Details or Busi­ness Infor­ma­tion
    • If you receive a known call, it can be from a com­pa­ny, bank and any gov­ern­ment enti­ties
    • To avoid wrong and fake calls, it is very impor­tant to get the infor­ma­tion of this num­ber and con­firm that the per­son call­ing you is a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a com­pa­ny or bank.

How to Know if the Caller is Spammer or Fraud — How to Identify the Caller

There are many ways to find this out. You can eas­i­ly find caller names from our men­tioned apps, reverse num­ber lookup ser­vices or online direc­to­ries. If you receive a call from a com­pa­ny, these apps will also tell you the name of the com­pa­ny to avoid fraud.

Unkown call in UAE

If you are using any SIM card in UAE includ­ing Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin Mobile you can eas­i­ly use these meth­ods. Some com­pa­nies have espe­cial­ly pro­vid­ed USSD codes and online meth­ods to know the caller’s name through a flash SMS.

  1. Check the Num­ber in your phone call his­to­ry
  2. Search the num­ber on search engines
  3. Lookup on online direc­to­ries in UAE
  4. Use the Spam iden­ti­fy apps in Android and IOS
  5. Use a Reverse Phone Lookup Ser­vice
  6. Search on Social Media Apps, if some­one’s social account is avail­able, it will appear

When a friend or rel­a­tive calls you from a new num­ber that you do not have saved, it is dif­fi­cult to get infor­ma­tion about it. Get­ting the new num­ber infor­ma­tion is a bit dif­fi­cult but you can find that too with the caller name ser­vice of the com­pa­ny. Some com­pa­nies do not offer such a ser­vice, unlike oth­er meth­ods you can use. First of all, we will tell you about apps that pro­vide you with num­ber infor­ma­tion.

Best Reverse Phone Number Lookup Services — Know Who called me from this Number UAE

In UAE, you can find a lot of Reverse Phone Num­ber Lookup Ser­vices. These can help you to find the name, address, and more infor­ma­tion for free.

You have to just vis­it the web­site and enter the num­ber. If you enter the orga­ni­za­tion or com­pa­ny num­ber it will appear on the screen includ­ing the address com­pa­ny name, phone num­bers and much more.

Use the TrueCaller App: Free Version is Also Available

Best Apps to Find Numbers using Truecaller

True­caller is a very pop­u­lar app and you prob­a­bly know about it. This app tells you the name of the caller in advance which will show the friend, rel­a­tive or any close per­son who will call you from the new num­ber. Apart from this, if you receive any fraud­u­lent call, then this app also informs you about it imme­di­ate­ly.

You have to install this app on your mobile phone after which it will ask you per­mis­sion to access your phone num­bers. After allow­ing it, it will keep all the num­bers in your mobile phone in its data­base. Now if you get a call from any com­pa­ny or per­son whose num­ber you don’t have saved, it will tell you about it.

You should know how this app works so that you know what data this app col­lects and keeps in its records.

When a per­son installs this app on their mobile phone, it asks for some per­mis­sions. These include phone book, call his­to­ry etc. After allow­ing all these per­mis­sions, True­caller col­lects all the cod­ed num­bers in your mobile phone in its data­base.

Sup­pose you have a friend whose num­ber you have saved as “Yusuf” then he will also col­lect the same name and num­ber in his data­base. When this per­son calls some­one who does­n’t have his num­ber saved and has the True­caller app installed, he will show him as “Yusuf” accord­ing to your saved name.

True­caller is a safe app and it does not harm you in any way. Most peo­ple use it because the com­pa­ny does not share your num­bers and records with any­one. This app has many more fea­tures includ­ing block­ing, spam­mers, and auto call block sys­tem.

If peo­ple have report­ed a num­ber as a spam­mer, they will auto­mat­i­cal­ly block you when they call you. You can also get num­ber infor­ma­tion, address, google loca­tion, email, social accounts and pho­tos. The instal­la­tion method is very easy on any device includ­ing Apple and Android.

I am per­son­al­ly using this app because mil­lions of peo­ple’s data is avail­able on its serv­er (don’t wor­ry it is safe and secure). It will ask you to change your default call­ing app, you have to give per­mis­sion first then you can change it lat­er. When­ev­er you receive a call from an unknown num­ber, it will show the name and all social pro­files in the free ver­sion too. I have been using it for 3 years and from my expe­ri­ence it shows 95% unknown num­bers details.


  1. Caller ID
  2. Spam Block­ing
  3. Call Record­ing
  4. Smart SMS
  5. Dark Theme
  6. Com­mu­ni­ty-Based Spam Report­ing
  7. Auto-Block Spam Calls and SMS
  8. Safe and Effi­cient Com­mu­ni­ca­tion

In addi­tion to these core fea­tures, True­caller also offers sev­er­al pre­mi­um fea­tures, such as:

  • Call His­to­ry Back­ups
  • Pre­mi­um Caller ID
  • Pre­mi­um SMS Fea­tures

Caller ID Who Called me — Track the Phone Numbers FREE

Best Apps to Find Numbers callerID

Caller ID app is a valu­able tool for iden­ti­fy­ing unknown callers, block­ing spam calls, and man­ag­ing your phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion. When a user installs this app and receives an unknown call, the sys­tem blocks it if it is spam oth­er­wise will show the name of the caller from its data­base.

This app has many options like call block­ing, Spam block­ing, loca­tion track­ing, Reverse Phone Lookup, Con­tact Man­age­ment and call record­ing. This app is avail­able for both Android and Apple users which is avail­able on app stores too. You have to reg­is­ter and log in to the account then it will start work­ing. This app works fine if you are search­ing for who called me from this num­ber UAE. You can enjoy pre­mi­um fea­tures if you need oth­er­wise you can use its free ver­sion.

Key features:

  • Caller iden­ti­fi­ca­tion
  • Spam block­ing
  • Reverse phone lookup
  • Call his­to­ry
  • Con­tact man­age­ment
  • Spam report­ing

Additional features:

  • Call record­ing
  • Call notes
  • Call Block­ing
  • Call for­ward­ing
  • Voice­mail tran­scrip­tion

Use Whoscall App if you have not got data from previous apps use this


This app has data of more than 1.6 bil­lion num­bers which is updat­ed every month. It quick­ly detects the unknown num­ber and imme­di­ate­ly informs the per­son receiv­ing the call about it. This is a very ver­sa­tile app that you can trust. With Whoscall you can get rid of fraud calls as it blocks spam calls and mes­sages instant­ly. If you receive a call from a bank or com­pa­ny and you do not have that num­ber saved, it imme­di­ate­ly informs you about it.

Many peo­ple use this app so you can eas­i­ly get infor­ma­tion about any num­ber in UAE and many oth­er coun­tries. Whoscal­l’s free app also dis­plays some adver­tis­ing you can remove with a pre­mi­um plan. You can get many more ben­e­fits from its pre­mi­um plan.

Whoscall has call record­ing, an auto spam block sys­tem, and SMS scan­ner ser­vices. If you can find the name of the caller in the above-men­tioned apps then you can try this app as well. Remem­ber that such apps save the num­bers and names in the users’ mobile phones and show you accord­ing­ly.

Basic Features:

  • Caller ID
  • Spam Block­ing
  • SMS Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Smart SMS Assis­tant
  • Offline Data­base
  • Ad-free Expe­ri­ence
  • Green Badges for Ver­i­fied Callers — Caller ID & Contacts (Paid Membership Maybe Need) is an amaz­ing and actu­al infor­ma­tion provider from the world­wide. I use this on my mobile phone. This is avail­able on the web and Android phones but on the web, the free tri­al is lim­it­ed to check only 3 num­bers. free number lookup in UAE, USA, UK and worldwide

The way to use it is very sim­ple. It copies the con­tact list of its users who use this app and adds it to its data­base. Any num­ber you have saved under that name will also be saved in your data under the same name. When some­one checks this num­ber from this web or app, it will show that per­son the same name that you have saved on your mobile.

Ini­tial­ly, it lets you check 3 num­bers on an account after which it will ask to upgrade. If you want to check a num­ber or two then the free ver­sion will be fine for you. Through this app, you can know the name of the caller and also know Who called me from this Num­ber UAE.

You can also vis­it its web­site to get infor­ma­tion on any num­ber, apart from this you can install this app on your mobile phone and use it.

5TH Best App to Know Caller Name: Showcaller: Caller ID & Block

Best Apps to Find Numbers Showcaller

Show­caller is anoth­er sim­i­lar app which can help you instant­ly iden­ti­fy the incom­ing calls not in your con­tact list. Calls are auto­mat­i­cal­ly blocked when it is deduct­ed as spam.

When a pro­mo­tion­al SMS is received, this app adds it to this list. This will reveal spe­cif­ic SMS and also stop receiv­ing fraud­u­lent calls or SMS. Show­caller has many more fea­tures of which caller ID is very impor­tant. Caller ID pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the caller’s name, address, social accounts and much more, even pic­tures of some num­bers.

If you keep this app installed on your mobile phone, you will start see­ing all the num­bers in the caller his­to­ry and the name. The loca­tion of the caller is also shared with the help of the data in Show­caller which is only avail­able to users who use this app.

This is a com­plete­ly free app and you can eas­i­ly install it on your mobile phone. After installing this app you need to allow some per­mis­sions after which it will start work­ing. Show­caller has fea­tures like call block­er, caller ID, call recorder, SMS block­er, spam pro­tec­tion and much more.

Eyecon App for Android and Apple — Caller ID & Contacts Features

Eyecon - Showcaller

Eye­con is get­ting more pop­u­lar with time due to its reli­able trust­ed sys­tem and updat­ed data­base. More than 50 mil­lion peo­ple have installed it from the Google Play Store, accord­ing to which it has data of more than 1 bil­lion num­bers world­wide. When you use this app, you will also see the name of the per­son call­ing from an unknown num­ber.

This app works in all coun­tries of UAE, Iran, India, the USA, Europe and the Mid­dle East. When you receive a call from a bank, it dis­plays the bank’s name and also the indi­vid­u­al’s name. It is com­plete­ly free and has many secu­ri­ty sys­tems like oth­er apps. You can dis­able your default call app and set it as your default call app after which you can use many futures.

  • With the call block option you can block unwant­ed num­bers
  • It shows pro­mo­tion­al calls and SMS sep­a­rate­ly which you can ignore
  • Accord­ing to the updat­ed sys­tem, you will not receive spam calls or SMS
  • The caller’s name, email, social accounts and pro­file pic­ture are dis­played.

Use the Best Reverse Phone Lookup — Find the People by Phone Numbers

Here you will be told about all such Reverse Phone Lookup ser­vices which are free. You can search any­one’s num­ber by cre­at­ing a free account. Please note that the address, name and oth­er infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed may vary and can­not be guar­an­teed to be 100% cor­rect. — Check UAE number owner name is a pop­u­lar web­site where you can enter any coun­try num­ber and get its infor­ma­tion. If you are from Dubai and you are receiv­ing a call from an unknown num­ber, you can select the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates num­ber and get its infor­ma­tion.

Who called me from this Number UAE - Best Reverse Phone Number lookup website in UAE

It gives you the exact num­bers of most com­pa­nies or orga­ni­za­tions. If you want to get infor­ma­tion about an indi­vid­ual num­ber, it may not be there. But it will give you the com­pa­ny num­bers, address, and some more infor­ma­tion.

You can fol­low the giv­en method to check the num­ber own­er infor­ma­tion in UAE:

  1. Open the web­site URL from your mobile or desk­top
  2. Select the Lookup and choice the coun­try
  3. Enter caller num­ber start­ing from +971 (Do not include coun­try code)
  4. A pop­up will appear on the screen to con­firm whether the added num­ber is cor­rect or not
  5. If this is cor­rect, tap or click on con­firm but­ton
  6. Num­ber Own­er name, net­work and address will appear in a few sec­onds
  7. The pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion can­not be 100% accu­rate

2. is the top trace mobile num­ber web­site where 230 coun­tries data­base is avail­able. you can also search for unknown caller num­bers here. More than 400,000 users use this web­site to check their phone num­ber data for free.

Check phone number owner name

You can locate the own­er’s Name, Coun­try, and loca­tion on Google Maps includ­ing infor­ma­tion such as Tele­com provider. If you are get­ting calls from an unknown num­ber, just put the num­ber here and get the details of the per­son. Emo­bile­Track­er nev­er charges any fee to check the phone num­ber loca­tion and infor­ma­tion.

  • Open the web­site URL from a mobile phone or desk­top
  • Select the coun­try and enter the mobile num­ber
  • Solve the captcha and click on the Track Now but­ton
  • Loca­tion, own­er name, and tele­com provider will appear on the screen
  • Keep in mind that giv­en infor­ma­tion can­not be 100% accu­rate.


I just entered my num­ber and found that this infor­ma­tion is cor­rect. This is anoth­er amaz­ing web­site where you can search for any num­ber and also find its Face­book pro­file (if avail­able). You can find the loca­tion on Google Maps using this web­site.

It is free but it does­n’t have that much data­base uploaded. You can also find the data of any num­ber by vis­it­ing this web­site. You only need to add the coun­try code, for exam­ple, if you want to find a num­ber in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, you need to write +971 before the num­ber. In case of receiv­ing a call from anoth­er coun­try, you can find out the coun­try code of the num­ber and enter it here to get its infor­ma­tion.

The real fun of this web comes when it finds accounts on social accounts like Face­book, Twit­ter and Insta­gram after enter­ing the num­ber. With its help, you can also see the pic­ture of the caller and get more infor­ma­tion about him. Here is a com­plete process that you can fol­low can get the num­ber details.

  1. Open the web­site from your desk­top or mobile
  2. You can select the coun­try “UAE” and add the num­ber
  3. Now, in a while, you can see Whose Num­ber Is This Call­ing Me
  4. It is free and any­one can use this method

4. SearchYellowDirectory


With the help of this web­site, you can check about the com­pa­nies or any new num­ber calls. Infor­ma­tion about most com­pa­nies can be found here. If you get a call from some­one and they call you a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a com­pa­ny, you can enter their num­ber here and get their infor­ma­tion.

SearchYel­lowDi­rec­to­ry is a web­site USA white pages direc­to­ry, phone­book of the world, reverse phone search and email address find­er. You can find any phone num­ber by open­ing the URL into your mobile phone and desk­top.


This web­site is a free online busi­ness direc­to­ry where you can find the caller’s name etc. by typ­ing the num­ber. This is a free tool designed only for the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. You can also add your busi­ness on this web­site and get infor­ma­tion about a num­ber.

There is not much data on this web­site but you can check it because the call you receive may be from a com­pa­ny that is also list­ed on this web­site. keep in mind that nev­er tell any per­son­al infor­ma­tion to the caller because it can be a fraud and can be harm­ful.

Best Tips to Find the Name of Who Called Me from this Number UAE?

Here are some tips to help you fig­ure out who the caller is. If ran­dom UAE num­bers keep call­ing you, these tips can know why you are receiv­ing too many calls. Most­ly, some web­site own­ers put the num­ber on dif­fer­ent web­sites which caus­es too many calls. If you found your num­ber online on any web­site or blog, you can imme­di­ate­ly take action by con­tact­ing the web­site own­er and request­ing to remove it. If you are receiv­ing too many calls use the giv­en tips that will help you a lot.

  • Search the num­ber on Social apps like Face­book, Twit­ter, Snapchat, Insta­gram and Linkedin
  • Copy the num­ber and search for it on Search engines like Google and Bing
  • Try to know the num­ber own­er’s name by using the Caller ID apps
  • Call the caller from a dif­fer­ent num­ber and ask the name (If you feel com­fort­able)
  • Search the num­ber on phone direc­to­ries, and busi­ness loca­tors.

By using our guide, you can learn how to check your num­ber details for free. These meth­ods can help you to find the UAE num­ber own­er’s name, and land­line num­ber in UAE.

Prevent from Spam Calling

Those receiv­ing calls from unknown num­bers may be vic­tims of fraud. If you receive a call from any new num­ber, you must con­sid­er some impor­tant things.

  • Do not share your caste iden­ti­ty card num­ber with any­one
  • Lis­ten to the back­ground voice of the caller and from there guess whether the call is a fraud or not
  • Do not share per­son­al infor­ma­tion like account num­bers etc
  • If some­one tells you the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the com­pa­ny, search his infor­ma­tion on search engines etc
  • The bank does not take any type of OTP from you, if some­one sends you an OTP, avoid shar­ing it. This can put your bank account at risk
  • Most peo­ple com­mit fraud in the name of a scheme. If some­one asks you for a scheme and takes your per­son­al infor­ma­tion, don’t tell them.
  • On receiv­ing any kind of fake call, imme­di­ate­ly block it and call
  • Don’t share your phone num­ber on social media apps web­sites or blogs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) About Who Called Me From This Number UAE

How to Check UAE num­ber details?

You can eas­i­ly find the UAE num­ber details by using the caller ID app and search­ing the num­ber on dif­fer­ent social net­works like Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and Linkedin. If you are using a UAE SIM card, you can eas­i­ly find the num­ber own­er’s name by dialling the USSD codes or call­ing the tele­com provider.

Do these meth­ods work for UAE Land­line num­ber search?

Yes, you can use the reverse phone search and busi­ness find­er app or web­sites to find the land­line num­ber.

Can I find the peo­ple in UAE?

Yes, you can enter the mobile num­ber or land­line num­ber in phone num­ber lookup or Caller ID apps and can find the peo­ple.

Can you use True­caller in UAE?

Yes, You can use the True­caller in UAE on any mobile phone. There are bil­lions of users of this app which makes a large data­base and can help you to find the UAE num­ber for free.

Are these apps safe?

Yes, These apps are safe and do not share your details with any­one.

Can I find the Social accounts using these apps?

Yes, Caller ID apps allow users to know the caller’s name, loca­tion, social accounts, emails, work num­bers and pro­file pic­tures. Even if the data­base is updat­ed, you can search the new num­ber infor­ma­tion for free.

What I can do If I receive a call from a pri­vate num­ber that asks me for Bank details?

Such peo­ple are frauds who take your bank account infor­ma­tion from you. This issue is trend­ing now and mil­lions of peo­ple are falling vic­tim to this fraud who are not aware that the bank nev­er calls any­one from a per­son­al num­ber or takes bank infor­ma­tion. If you receive such a call, reject it imme­di­ate­ly.

Summary of the Top Methods to Know Who Calls You

I am using this app’s pre­mi­um ver­sion, which helps me know the num­ber own­er’s name or more infor­ma­tion like social accounts and pic­tures. I will rec­om­mend you to use the True­Caller app which is avail­able for Android and IOS devices. Its free ver­sion is also best which iden­ti­fies the spam­mers and shows the red screen while receiv­ing calls from a fraud and scam­mer.

If you are a mobile phone user, you can use True­caller, Caller ID, Who­call, and, Show­caller, Eye­con and Show­caller. If you want to check it on mobile phone or web you can vis­it the truthfind­er, Peo­plefind­ers, Spokeo, and CocoFind­er. There are many more such apps and web­sites that you can use but some of them are paid. If you are look­ing for a free ser­vice, you can use any of the meth­ods giv­en here.

One thought on “Best Methods to Check Who Called Me From This Number UAE

  1. I used the 3+ apps which you describe in the com­ments. These all are amaz­ing spe­cial­ly Caller ID and True­caller app. Hon­est­ly, I got the caller name and their pic­ture as well its social accounts and emails.

    When i received calls from an unknown per­son, these apps show me real­ly SPAM alert with a RED screen. If there is a com­pa­ny or organ­i­sa­tion call, it show me its com­plete details like its name, address and oth­er accounts.

    Thanks so much to help me. I resolved my this issue today.

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