Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat Monthly Data Package 25 AED — Best Feature Game

Etisalat 25 AED Data Plan

Eti­salat Month­ly Data Pack­age 25 AED pro­vides 4.2GB of data to use on social apps. Many users are look­ing for cheap inter­net, espe­cial­ly those who are on a bud­get. Eti­salat has launched this pack­age keep­ing in mind the cus­tomers’ needs, which helps them stay in touch with their loved ones through social apps.

With this non-stop offer, users get 150 MB of inter­net dai­ly, which helps them use any social app. This offer is a gift for pre­paid users to keep in touch with rel­a­tives and friends for a whole month. It is a basic inter­net data pack­age which is valid for all new and excit­ing pre­paid cus­tomers.

Features of Etisalat Monthly Data Package 25 AED

Pack­ageMonth­ly Data Pack­age
PriceAED 25 Exclude VAT
AED 42 Include VAT
150 MB/Day
UsablePre­paid Users

All pre­paid cus­tomers can acti­vate the Eti­salat month­ly data pack­age for 25 AED using the Eti­salat UAE app and Web por­tal and dial the USSD code *135*5# or *170#. After using 150MB of data, the inter­net speed comes down to 64Kbps.

  • Amaz­ing offer at the low­est price for pre­paid cus­tomers
  • Social apps: Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, GoCHat, Linkedin, Snapchat, Bin­go, and Botim
  • Stay con­nect­ed with friends and fam­i­ly using this bun­dle on Audio and Video calls
  • Auto-renew­al ser­vice enabled; cus­tomers have to unsub­scribe it if nev­er inter­est­ed in it

Subscription Methods:

  • Dial *135*5# > 5 and *170# then fol­low the instruc­tions.
  • Use the Eti­salat app or Web por­tal and log into the account to acti­vate the pack­age

Unsubscribe Method:

Eti­salat cus­tomers who are using a non-stop 25 AED month­ly pack­age, can deac­ti­vate this pack­age using the below giv­en meth­ods.

  • Dial *170# select the pack­age and then select “Deac­ti­vate”
  • Use the Eti­salat UAE app and log into the Eti­salat web por­tal to deac­ti­vate this pack­age
  • Call Eti­salat helpline “101

Package Check Method

Pre­paid cus­tomers who are using the Eti­salat Month­ly Data Pack­age 25 AED can check the remain­ing inter­net data using the giv­en method.

  • Dial *170# and send “Data” to 1010
  • Use the Eti­salat UAE app > Go to My Account
  • Call the helpline 101

In this pack­age, cus­tomers can use dai­ly 150MB of inter­net data on social apps Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, GoCHat, Linkedin, Snapchat, Bin­go, and Botim. You have the free­dom to talk with friends, fam­i­ly and loved-ons on Audio and Video calls.

Remem­ber that the UAE gov­ern­ment blocks What­sApp, so you can­not use this there. If you use the VPN, your audio and video call­ing ser­vice may be stopped due to low sig­nals accord­ing to your select­ed VPN. I hope this top­ic cov­ers every­thing about your needs.

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