Posted inSIM Guide / WIFI & Guide

UAE Free WiFi Access for Travelers — Here’s How to Connect?

city buildings during sunset

In UAE, when trav­ellers land at the air­port, they need an inter­net con­nec­tion to book a taxi from Careem or con­tact their friends and fam­i­lies in UAE. Two main air­ports Dubai Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (DXB) and Al Mak­toum Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (DWC) have free WIFI access for vis­i­tors. If they do have not a UAE SIM card, they can con­nect to free Wifi for a lim­it­ed time or lim­it­ed band­width.

Vis­i­tors have issues while reg­is­ter­ing for the WIFI ser­vice in UAE espe­cial­ly when they do have not a SIM card. Because while sign­ing up for WIFI, they need a mobile num­ber which can receive SMS. Some­times, UAE Air­ports WIFI does not require a mobile num­ber while brows­ing the inter­net but it stops work­ing after 2 to 4 hours. You can buy a SIM card for free on UAE air­ports by Eti­salat, DU and Vir­gin Mobile on your valid pass­port.

Now, you can con­nect to wifi using your UAE num­ber and can use it for 4 hours after this you have to pay AED 5 for 1 day to use the unlim­it­ed data. Here is how to con­nect to free WIFI in UAE air­ports:

  1. Enable the WIFI and search for the free WIFI (Most­ly opened WIFI)
  2. Open the web brows­er and open any page or web­site
  3. You will be redi­rect­ed to a login page
  4. Enter your mobile num­ber (inter­na­tion­al may be sup­port­ed) and ver­i­fy it
  5. If you have not a UAE num­ber, you can skip it and con­nect the inter­net for 2 to 3 hours

Free WIFI is lim­it­ed and you can­not use it for a long time. If you have an Emi­rates ID, you can buy the SIM card for free and can enjoy free 1GB of data for 24 hours in UAE. I will rec­om­mend you buy a SIM card first for any net­work in the UAE. Here are some Wifi plans by Eti­salat that you can use in all UAE wifi points.

  • Dai­ly unlim­it­ed free WFI — AED 5
  • 7 Days unlim­it­ed free WFI — AED 20
  • 30 Days unlim­it­ed free WFI — AED 40

Prices are *Inclu­sive of 5% VAT. Once you have sub­scribed to any WIFI plan, you can use it any­where in UAE by just con­nect­ing to Eti­salat or Du WIFI and log­ging into your account using your mobile num­ber. These are one-time offers which you can­not use again.

2 thoughts on “UAE Free WiFi Access for Travelers — Here’s How to Connect?

  1. When i vis­it­ed to UAE i don’t get any free WIFI. It asked my mobile num­ber but i buy a new Du SIM card and use it to con­nect with my rel­a­tives. UAE govt should pro­vide total­ly free WIFI ser­vice for vis­i­tors with­out any reg­is­tra­tion.

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