Etisalat new landline connection for office — Office Presence Plan


Are you think­ing of a land­line con­nec­tion for your office? If yes then you can get a lot of ben­e­fits from this Eti­salat offer. Under this offer, you can get a free store, domain name, and flexi call min­utes. No, instal­la­tion or acti­va­tion fee applies to this ser­vice. Here is the infor­ma­tion about the Office Pres­ence Plan.

Plan Benefits:

  • 7,500 fixed-to-fixed local min­utes
  • 100 Flexi Mins
  • Built-in Val­ue Added Ser­vices (Call wait­ing
  • CLIP Caller ID
  • Call For­ward inclu­sive of Unconditional/Busy/No Answer
  • Call Con­fer­ring of up to 3 Par­ties
  • Call Wait — Hold and Voice Mail)
  • Uni­fied Com­mu­ni­ca­tions as a Ser­vice (UCaas) for main and user voice num­bers
  • Free eStore, busi­ness domain, and CloudTalk Appli­ca­tion

More Details:

Rental FeeAED 125/Month excl. 5% VAT
Billing Fre­quen­cyMonth­ly
Con­tract Peri­od12 Months

Once you have used the 7500 Fixed call­ing min­utes then call­ing with­out bun­dle, AED 0.15/min would apply. Sim­i­lar Fixed-to-mobile call charges cost AED 0.30/minute will be charged.

Terms and Conditions:

  • In cas­es of con­tract breach with ear­ly ter­mi­na­tion, exit fees will be applied.
  • 100 Flexi min­utes can be used for mobile or inter­na­tion­al calls
  • Cus­tomers can can­cel the con­tract with­in 5 days of acti­va­tion with­out penal­ty if it was mis­rep­re­sent­ed or did not meet terms.

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