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How to Use Your Phone While Traveling in the UAE

How to Use Your Phone While Traveling in the UAE

Mobile phone is the only thing that makes all kinds of con­ve­nience for us while trav­el­ling. Its use can increase dif­fi­cul­ties as well as ease for us even if we do not take any pre­cau­tions for it. The Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates is a mod­ern coun­try and Dubai is con­sid­ered to be the most mod­ern city in the world. If come to UAE you have to read how to use your phone while trav­el­ing in the UAE.

No mat­ter where you are in the world, even if you are in Dubai, there are some tips for using a mobile phone that should be known so that it does not cause prob­lems for you lat­er.

Mobile phones are essen­tial for view­ing maps, and access­ing local infor­ma­tion. Many peo­ple find that their mobile phone drains the bat­tery quick­ly while trav­el­ling. This can also hap­pen because the mobile phone has to pass through some areas where there are no mobile sig­nals and in such a sit­u­a­tion it takes more effort to find the sig­nals.

In such a sit­u­a­tion, the mobile phone’s bat­tery dou­ble drops even when your data is on. Here dubaisims will tell you some ways that you can fol­low to save your phone bat­tery. You need to know this in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates because pub­lic Wi-Fi is wide­ly used there. In such a sit­u­a­tion, the mobile phone’s bat­tery also runs out quick­ly and your secu­ri­ty is also at risk.

How to Use Your Phone While Traveling in the UAE

First of all, you have to turn on some things on your phone that will pro­tect your secu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy. There are some risks to using your mobile phone while trav­el­ling. If you’re not care­ful, you could be vul­ner­a­ble to roam­ing charges, data theft, or your phone being lost or stolen. You can fol­low the mea­sures I men­tioned to avoid all these dan­gers.

1. Contact your carrier before your trip

UAE roaming Plans

If you are going to an area where mobile ser­vices are not avail­able, you may turn on your mobile roam­ing ser­vice. With­out a roam­ing plan, you may have to pay extra roam­ing charges. To avoid this, first of all, you should make sure that there will be sig­nals at the place of your trip.

You can also con­tact your car­ri­er to inquire about roam­ing charges such as call­ing or data. If you don’t need it, you can turn it off so that your account won’t be charged lat­er.

If you have Eti­salat SIM then you can read the Eti­salat Roam­ing plans to see the lat­est updates about roam­ing plans for call­ing and data use. Du users can use the Du app to check the lat­est plans or also read Du call plans and Du data plans.

2. Set a PIN or passcode on your phone

Set a PIN or passcode on your phone

This is impor­tant because if your mobile is lost or a stranger gets access to it, he will not be able to use it. This will keep the data in your mobile phone safe. That’s why you must set the PIN of your phone.

3. Install Find My Phone or another tracking app on your phone

If you lose your mobile then with the help of track­ing apps you can track the loca­tion of your mobile phone. You can install Google’s Find My Device or any third-par­ty app.

Find My Phone using tracking app

To locate the mobile phone, you have to log in to your Find My device on anoth­er device, after which you will be able to get its loca­tion infor­ma­tion. Always keep your mobile loca­tion ON and use your mobile phone hav­ing a secure email account.

If your phone is lost, you should log in with your same email and search for Find My Device on Google. It will pro­vide you with its infor­ma­tion instant­ly. For this, your lost mobile should have data on or Wi-Fi con­nect­ed.

4. Only connect to secure Wi-Fi networks

Don't use public wifi for security reasons

Avoid con­nect­ing to pub­lic Wi-Fi when you trav­el. It can be a threat to your secu­ri­ty because you don’t know who is con­nect­ed with it. Hack­ers can also hack your data using such types of Wifi net­works. If you need pub­lic WIfi always use the VPNs to hide your IP address.

If you have a trust­ed Wifi net­work most­ly by Du or Eti­salat then you can use it with­out VPN. It is rec­om­mend­ed to keep ON VPN while using pub­lic wifi whether you are still in a hotel or park.

5. Keep Mobile Battery Charge or Keep a Powerbank

Keep phone charge while travelling in uae

Mobile phones often run out of bat­tery quick­ly while trav­el­ling. Most of them are due to GPS turned on in the mobile phone, fre­quent mobile net­work sig­nal changes and many oth­er rea­sons. Try to ful­ly charge your mobile phone before leav­ing for the trip. If you can’t charge your mobile for any rea­son, you can car­ry a pow­er bank with you.

Here are some tips you can fol­low to make your mobile phone bat­tery last longer:

  • Delete redun­dant apps on mobile
  • Keep the screen bright­ness low
  • Do not watch videos etc. on mobile phones as it drains the bat­tery quick­ly
  • Choose a good mobile car­ri­er with good sig­nal qual­i­ty.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi, Blue­tooth, etc

Final Words:

In the end, I would sug­gest you use your mobile phone at least while trav­el­ling. If you do this, you will also plan your trip well and your mobile will also sup­port you in times of need. In the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, mobile phones also get very hot, so keep GPS etc. off so that it does­n’t get hot with back­ground apps.

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