Posted inEtisalat / SIM Guide

How to Transfer Etisalat Balance and Data — Prices & Codes

How to Transfer Etisalat Balance and Data - Prices & Codes

If you have an Eti­salat SIM, you can use it to share cred­it with your friends, rel­a­tives, and loved ones. This ser­vice is avail­able to every Eti­salat pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomer. Here are var­i­ous Eti­salat bal­ance trans­fer meth­ods you can use based on your pref­er­ence and con­ve­nience. Most Eti­salat bal­ance trans­fer code is used because it is very sim­ple and works on every mobile phone even if it is a key­pad mobile. In this post, we will dis­cuss how to trans­fer Eti­salat bal­ance and how to share data.

How to transfer credit from Etisalat to Etisalat

Eti­salat cus­tomers can eas­i­ly trans­fer local cred­it using the app, and oth­er meth­ods like USSD codes. Whether you are a Pre­paid or Post­paid cus­tomer, you can trans­fer your Eti­salat to Eti­salat bal­ance eas­i­ly. Keep in mind that while Eti­salat bal­ance trans­fer you have to pay some addi­tion­al charges as detailed below.

1. Etisalat balance transfer Using USSD code

This is a sim­ple and wide­ly used method for those who look­ing for an Eti­salat bal­ance trans­fer code. By fol­low­ing this method you can trans­fer the bal­ance to any Eti­salat num­ber on any mobile who­ev­er is on a key­pad mobile.

Method 1:

  1. Dial *100#
  2. Reply with 1 > “Local Cred­it Trans­fer
  3. Enter any Eti­salat num­ber and press the send but­ton
  4. Now, enter the amount and press the send but­ton
  5. Reply with 1 to con­firm the bal­ance trans­fer from Eti­salat to Eti­salat

Method 2:

  1. Open the dial pad and dial *100*Mobile Number*Amount#
  2. Reply with 1 to con­firm the trans­fer Eti­salat bal­ance
  3. 5.25% of the total cred­it (Includ­ing 5% VAT) will be charged to your account
  4. You will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS upon suc­cess­ful­ly trans­fer­ring the cred­it

Do you not under­stand this method? I know it can be a bit dif­fi­cult for new users. Here I teach you step by step:

  • First of all, Dial *100*
  • Enter the recipient’s num­ber like 05XXXXXXXX
  • Type *
  • Now, type the amount, like you want to trans­fer ‘AED 5’ then type 5.
  • After this Type #
  • This code will show com­plete­ly like this: *100*05XXXXXXXX*5#
  • Now, dial this code and con­firm it by reply­ing with “1″.

You will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS after trans­fer­ring the cred­it. If you would like to trans­fer your entire bal­ance, this will not be pos­si­ble. 5.25% of the total amount must be left in your mobile after which you can com­plete this task.

2. Etisalat credit transfer using the Etisalat app:

Users can trans­fer cred­it with their friends and loved ones using the Eti­salat app. If you have an Eti­salat account, after log­ging into the app, select the amount by adding the recip­i­en­t’s num­ber in the cred­it trans­fer sec­tion.

If you don’t have the app, you can trans­fer cred­it through your account by enter­ing your login details on the Eti­salat Web online por­tal.

Local Credit Transfer Charges:

Dai­ly Lim­it­edMonth­ly Lim­itFee
Post­paidAED 2 — 150AED 5005.25%
Pre­paidAED 2 — 150AED 15005.25%

You should know how much Eti­salat charges to trans­fer the bal­ance or cred­it. Eti­salat charges 5.25% (5% VAT includ­ed) of total cred­it from each cus­tomer for cred­it trans­fer. Sup­pose you are trans­fer­ring 100 AED to a loved one, you will be charged 105.5 AED.

  • Post­paid users can trans­fer from AED 2 to AED 150 per day while a month­ly total of AED 500 can be trans­ferred.
  • Pre­paid cus­tomers can trans­fer from 2 dirhams to 150 dirhams per day while a total of 1500 dirhams can be trans­ferred per month.

Etisalat International Credit Transfer

Now you can trans­fer cred­it from your Eti­salat SIM to any coun­try. Eti­salat has intro­duced the facil­i­ty of bal­ance trans­fer on mobile net­works in more than 200 coun­tries, with which users can recharge their friends, rel­a­tives and loved ones phones with their own Eti­salat SIM.

Mil­lions of peo­ple come to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates or Dubai to earn mon­ey and have to stay in touch with their loved ones in their home coun­try. Many peo­ple also face the prob­lem of recharg­ing at home phone, which Eti­salat cus­tomers can now eas­i­ly solve.

If you want to share recharge on any mobile oper­a­tor of Pak­istan, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Chi­na, Nepal, and 200 coun­tries of the world, you can. The method is very sim­ple which you can do on your mobile phone through SMS, USSD code and app.

1. Use Short USSD Codes

  1. Dial *100#
  2. Reply with 3 “Inter­na­tion­al Cred­it Trans­fer”
  3. Type the Recip­i­ent num­ber with the coun­try code. For exam­ple, if you wish to trans­fer cred­it to India, dial 91XXXXXXXX and press the send but­ton.
  4. Select the amount from the list and reply with any com­mand
  5. Now, reply with 1 to con­firm the cred­it trans­fer

While trans­fer­ring the bal­ance you have to ensure that the num­ber and coun­try code are entered cor­rect­ly. You will also receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS once the bal­ance is trans­ferred. You can share cred­it on any num­ber from Eti­salat but each will have a dif­fer­ent cost which will be shown to you in a list.

2. Sending the SMS

You can trans­fer cred­it by tex­ting an inter­na­tion­al pre­paid num­ber (eg: 9198XXXXXXXX) to 1700 (free). It is also a sim­ple and easy method but valid for pre­paid cus­tomers.

  • Go to the Mes­sages and write a new mes­sage
  • Type the Recip­i­ent num­ber with the coun­try code in the mes­sage and send it to 1700
  • In a while, you will receive an SMS with the price of shar­ing cred­its abroad
  • You have to reply it with your select­ed cred­it com­mand num­ber
  • Con­firm it by send­ing the 1 in reply

3. Use the Etisalat UAE App

You can also use the Eti­salat UAE app for your Android and Apple phone to trans­fer inter­na­tion­al cred­it from Eti­salat to oth­er coun­tries. If you specif­i­cal­ly want to share data inter­na­tion­al­ly, text the inter­na­tion­al num­ber to 1700 and fol­low the instruc­tions.

International Credit Transfer Fee & Charges

Cus­tomers will not have to pay any addi­tion­al charges for inter­na­tion­al bal­ance trans­fers. Cred­it will be deduct­ed from the cus­tomer’s account only for the amount paid. For exam­ple, if some­one trans­fers INR 100 which costs AED 3 then a total of AED 3 will be deduct­ed from the sender’s bal­ance.

Etisalat Credit Request:

Eti­salat cus­tomers can request cred­it shar­ing to any Eti­salat cus­tomer in case of no recharge in their SIM. This is a free ser­vice for Cred­it Requesters which can be availed by fol­low­ing the giv­en method.

To request cred­it:

  1. Dial *107*05XXXXXXXX*Amount# (replace 05XXXXXXXX with the num­ber you’re request­ing cred­it from and Amount with the desired amount).
  2. Press send or call.

Part A who needs cred­it has to dial *107*mobilenumber*amount# from his/her num­ber and fol­low the instruc­tions. A mes­sage will be sent to Part B with com­plete instruc­tions to accept the cred­it request or decline the request.

There are not any ser­vice charges but this ser­vice is valid for 2 times a day. Eti­salat Cred­it Request ser­vice is valid for only pre­paid cus­tomers. Here is an exam­ple of request cred­it:

For exam­ple, if you want to request an AED 5 cred­it request to num­ber 051234567 then you have to dial this code like this; *107*051234567*5#.

Etisalat Data Balance Tranfer

Now users can also share the data in their SIM with their loved ones who are also using Eti­salat SIM. Fol­low this method to trans­fer data to Eti­salat.

  1. Use the Eti­salat UAE App
  2. Dial #100*ReceiverNumber*DataInMB# (For exam­ple, dial #100*05XXXXXXXX*2000# to trans­fer 2GB data)
  3. Dial #100# and fol­low the instruc­tions

Data Bal­ance Share Lim­ites:

Trans­fer Size:

  • Min­i­mum: 100MB
  • Max­i­mum (pre­paid): No lim­it
  • Max­i­mum (post­paid): 5GB (5120MB)

Trans­fer Fee:

  • AED 3 per 100MB

Max­i­mum Trans­fers Per Month:

  • 5 trans­fers (for plans with 1GB data or above)

Trans­ferred Data Valid­i­ty:

  • 10 days
  • Con­sumed before reg­u­lar data allowance

Sender’s Remain­ing Allowance:

  • Must be at least 100MB after trans­fer

Mon­i­tor Data:

  • Use the Eti­salat UAE app or dial *121*170#.


Eti­salat is a telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pa­ny offer­ing a wide range of ser­vices in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. Pre­paid and post­paid users can get rich ben­e­fits by using their ser­vices. If you are abroad and want to send a bal­ance as a gift to some­one in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, an inter­na­tion­al cred­it trans­fer can be very ben­e­fi­cial. In this post, we have explained all the meth­ods includ­ing Eti­salat to Eti­salat and du cred­it trans­fer, bal­ance trans­fer, data trans­fer, and cred­it request.

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