Posted inDu UAE / SIM Guide

How to Check Du Balance — Prepaid and Postpaid

Du Balance Check

Check­ing Du bal­ance is not dif­fi­cult, but if you are a new cus­tomer of Du, you need to know it. This post will explain how to check Du’s bal­ance on pre­paid and post­paid SIM cards. We will pro­vide com­plete infor­ma­tion if you have sub­scribed to an inter­net data offer and want to check the data bal­ance. A quick way to check the bal­ance is by send­ing an SMS “Bal­ance” to 1335.

Du is the largest tele­com net­work in the UAE, pro­vid­ing call­ing, inter­net, and roam­ing ser­vices. New and excit­ing cus­tomers can check their bal­ance using the Du app and web­site login. When you buy a new sim card first time, you need the bal­ance check code and data check code. Du USSD code *135# can help you check the bal­ance, acti­vate the pack­age and see the com­plete account info. Remem­ber *135# to know your account info on Du pre­paid SIM.

Methods to Check Du Balance

There are mul­ti­ple meth­ods for check­ing the bal­ance on the Du SIM card, both pre­paid and post­paid. You can use any method which you want to apply.

  1. Dial *135# from your phone
  2. Send “Bal­ance” to 1355
  3. Use the Du app
  4. Login to your account on

1. Using the USSD Code

Cus­tomers can use the USSD code to check their bal­ance and recharge their mobile phones. It is a sim­ple and easy method that can be checked on every mobile phone, whether Android or key­pad. This method is wide­ly used because it is quick, easy, and mem­o­rable.

  • Dial *135# from your phone
  • You will receive an SMS with your bal­ance infor­ma­tion and its expi­ra­tion date.

2. Sending Text Message

You can also check your SIM cred­it through SMS. It is free and can be used by pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers.

  • Go to the mes­sages and send “bal­ance” to 1335.
  • You will receive an SMS with your bal­ance infor­ma­tion and its expi­ra­tion date.

3. Check Du balance using the app:

New and excit­ing cus­tomers can cre­ate an online account and check their bal­ance using the app, includ­ing data bal­ance, pack­age acti­va­tion and deac­ti­va­tion, his­to­ry, and more.

  1. Down­load and install the Du app on your Android or Apple phone.
  2. If you don’t have an account, cre­ate one using your num­ber or Emi­rates ID.
  3. Cre­ate a pass­word and sign up.
  4. Login to your account using your mobile num­ber, Emi­rates ID or pass­word
  5. Now, you can see com­plete infor­ma­tion about your num­ber, includ­ing bal­ance, usage his­to­ry, and data bal­ance.

How to Check Balance in Du Postpaid SIM?

Post­paid cus­tomers can know their bill in advance and also check the usage using the fol­low­ing method:

  • Dial *135# from your phone
  • Use the Du app
  • Login to your account on

If you want to know how much your bill will be, you can use this method. You can get all kinds of infor­ma­tion using the app, includ­ing bal­ance checks, data pack­age checks, usage checks, etc.

How to Check Du Data Balance

After acti­vat­ing the inter­net pack­age, it is manda­to­ry to mon­i­tor its usage. If the inter­net usage exceeds the pack­age, it can cause prob­lems like bal­ance cuts, pre­ma­ture data usage etc.

Du auto­mat­i­cal­ly sends noti­fi­ca­tions to its users if they have used up 70%, 85%, and 100% of mobile data. You can keep your eyes on your data usage after receiv­ing this SMS so that you would not cross the data lim­it which can cause of extra bal­ance deduc­tion from your account.

New and old users should come to check Du’s data bal­ance, whether they are post­paid or pre­paid users. Here are the com­plete details to check the Du pre­paid or post­paid data bal­ance.


You may know the data check code if you are a post­paid cus­tomer and have sub­scribed to a post­paid data pack­age.

  • Dial *135#
  • In the giv­en options, select my account.
  • Now, select my usage.

By doing this, you will receive an SMS with the remain­ing inter­net and its due date.

Check Inter­net Bal­ance Oth­er meth­ods:

  • Send SMS “rewards” to 1233
  • Use the Du app.
  • Log in to your account on the Du web­site.


Pre­paid cus­tomers can check their data bal­ance by send­ing the “Bal­ance” to 1335. Here are alter­na­tive ways that you can use:

  • Dial *135# > My Account > Data Usage
  • Send “Bal­ance” to 1335
  • Use the Du app > My account > Data
  • Log in to the Du web­site and see the com­plete details in my account sec­tion.

We have giv­en you com­plete infor­ma­tion on How to Check Du and data bal­ances. If you want to know more about the ser­vices and pack­ages of Du, you can get infor­ma­tion by click­ing on this link.

You can get much more infor­ma­tion with the app’s help, like acti­vat­ing inter­net pack­ages, check­ing your bal­ance, acti­vat­ing and deac­ti­vat­ing calls, and SMS pack­ages. You can still find your SIM num­ber using the app if you don’t know it.

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