Posted inSIM Guide

How to Check Balance in Du Postpaid Business Plan

How to Check Balance in Du Postpaid Business Plan

du post­paid busi­ness plan is a pop­u­lar option for busi­ness­es that is used by mil­lions of peo­ple. Many peo­ple are not aware of how to check the how to check Bal­ance in du post­paid busi­ness plan. They don’t even get to check the data so they use the data pre­ma­ture­ly. Post­paid SIM is used by indi­vid­u­als as well as busi­ness peo­ple as it comes with a fixed bill pay­ment option and no has­sle of fre­quent recharges.

For­tu­nate­ly, du post­paid busi­ness plan users have two easy ways to check their account bal­ance: online and via SMS. In this post, we will pro­vide you with detailed instruc­tions on both meth­ods. You have to read this post till the end so as not to miss any­thing use­ful.

How to Check Balance in Du Postpaid Business Plan

If you have cre­at­ed an online account in DU then you can use this method. If the account is not cre­at­ed, you can check oth­er meth­ods:

1. Online Method:

How to Check Balance in Du Postpaid Business Plan
  1. Go to du My Account web­site You can use your mobile or desk­top or use the app.
  2. Log in using your user­name and pass­word.
  3. After log­ging in, you will see your account dash­board. Your cur­rent bal­ance, data usage, and remain­ing data will be dis­played on the screen.
  4. You can also view your billing his­to­ry, active ser­vices and oth­er account infor­ma­tion.

2. SMS Method:

  1. From your du post­paid busi­ness plan phone, send an SMS to “1233”.
  2. Write “Reward” in the text of the SMS and send it to 1233.
  3. You will receive a reply SMS show­ing your remain­ing data amount.

The SMS method only works to check your data usage. To get more infor­ma­tion you have to call the call cen­ter or check by log­ging into the app and web por­tal.

What is Du business customer care number?

You can get infor­ma­tion about your bal­ance and data usage by con­tact­ing du Cus­tomer Ser­vice at 800-DU (800–38).

Du Helpline: 155

Over­seas: +971 55 5678155

Final Words:

We hope this has been help­ful to you. If you want infor­ma­tion about DU Post­paid Busi­ness Plan, you can vis­it any DU office or any retail­er. The eas­i­est way to check the bal­ance is to just use the app or use the web por­tal. Try to keep DU app logged in so that you can keep track of your data and min­utes etc. and avoid incur­ring high charges.

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