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How to Change Du Wifi Password — Step by Step Guide

How to Change Du Wifi Password

Du is a pop­u­lar UAE based tele­com com­pa­ny pro­vid­ing var­i­ous inter­net and tele­phone ser­vices to its cus­tomers. Du pro­vides users with Wi-Fi for home or office. Such ser­vices include chang­ing WiFi set­tings and pass­words and ensur­ing your Inter­net secu­ri­ty. You need to know the process of chang­ing your WiFi pass­word to main­tain the secu­ri­ty and per­for­mance of your net­work. In this guide, you can read how to change Du’s wifi pass­word eas­i­ly.

How to Change Du Wifi Password

Du wifi password change
  1. Open a web brows­er from any of your Wi-Fi-con­nect­ed devices. Enter the router’s IP address in the address bar (usu­al­ly or And then press Enter.
  2. Enter the default login details (if not changed). Enter the user­name and pass­word (usu­al­ly “admin”) or you can find the user­name and pass­word on the back of the router.
  3. Overview of router menu options (may vary by mod­el). Look for sec­tions like “Wire­less”, “WiFi Set­tings” or “Net­work”.
  4. Find the Cur­rent Pass­word field and enter your new pass­word by edit­ing it. The new pass­word must match the router’s require­ments.
  5. Save and apply changes. Your router will restart auto­mat­i­cal­ly and now you have to for­get the old pass­word and enter the new pass­word to con­nect to it.

Forgotten Router Login Credentials

If you have for­got­ten the login details of your Du router, you can reset it to fac­to­ry set­tings using the method list­ed below.

Note: By doing this you may face some dif­fi­cul­ties. Reset­ting the router to fac­to­ry set­tings will erase all your cus­tom set­tings, includ­ing WiFi pass­word, SSID (net­work name), and oth­er set­tings, and restore the default set­tings.

Steps to reset the router to factory settings if login credentials are lost

  1. First, you plug in your router and make sure your router is plugged in and turned on.
  2. Look for the reset but­ton, this but­ton is usu­al­ly inside a small hole to pre­vent acci­den­tal press­ing. There is a small reset but­ton on the back or bot­tom of the router. Press it with a thin, point­ed object, such as a paper clip.
    • changing or resetting Du Wifi password
  3. Hold the but­ton down for at least 10–15 sec­onds until the router lights turn off and on again.
  4. Allow the router to restart again and this process may take a few min­utes so be patient.

Use the default login details

Now you have to con­nect your device to your Du router by enter­ing the default login infor­ma­tion. If you don’t know the pass­word, you can look it up on the back of the router. To log in, you can open or in any web brows­er from your device.

You can use all these set­tings and how to change pass­words on Du 4G router or 5G router. Wi-Fi pass­words should be changed every two to three months as it is very impor­tant for secu­ri­ty. If you face any kind of dif­fi­cul­ty, you can also get help from Du’s cus­tomer sup­port.

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