Posted inEtisalat

How to Cancel all Subscriptions on Etisalat Prepaid or Postpaid

How to Cancel all Subscriptions on Etisalat Prepaid or Postpaid

Eti­salat pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers can now eas­i­ly deac­ti­vate all ser­vices using this method. Many peo­ple are unaware of all the active ser­vices on their SIM that are deplet­ing their bal­ance. On pre­paid sim cards, many ser­vices like add-on ser­vices, inter­net pack­ages, caller tune, missed call alerts, etc are still active which caus­es a bal­ance drop.

Unused pack­ages and ser­vices that are auto­mat­i­cal­ly acti­vat­ed every month waste a lot of recharge to cus­tomers. In such cas­es, they should know about these ser­vices after which they can ter­mi­nate them as per the men­tioned method. In this post, we are going to pro­vide you with all those meth­ods which you can use and can deac­ti­vate or can­cel all sub­scrip­tions on Eti­salat pre­paid and post­paid SIM cards.

Cancel all Subscriptions on Etisalat Prepaid or Postpaid Using the App

Using the Eti­salat app, you can eas­i­ly deac­ti­vate all ser­vices and offers at once in a few moments. The Eti­salat UAE app is avail­able for all devices such as the Apple Store and Google Play Store. You can install it, log in to your account and then can eas­i­ly acti­vate and deac­ti­vate any ser­vice accord­ing to your needs.

  1. In Step 1: You need the Eti­salat app on your mobile phone. If you have not installed the app on your phone, you can eas­i­ly find it on Google Play Store and Apple Store.
  2. Login to your account: Now, you have to log in to your account if you do have not an account, you can cre­ate it eas­i­ly using your Eti­salat num­ber and Emi­rates ID. Cre­ate a pass­word, note your account details and log in.
  3. Go to “My Account” and look for the “Man­age” option then tap on it
  4. Now, you can see all the active ser­vices and offers. Tap on the offer after this its details will open and an unsub­scribe but­ton will appear at the bot­tom of the offer.
  5. Click or Tap on the unsub­scribe but­ton in the app to deac­ti­vate this offer
  6. After unsub­scrib­ing from any offer, you will not be able to use data “If any have” or any call min­utes “If have”.

Etisalat Stop all Services USSD Codes

If you don’t want to use the Eti­salat app then here are some USSD codes which help you to deac­ti­vate Eti­salat extra offers. Dial 101 or 800 101 from your phone and talk with a cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive. They will ask your mobile num­ber, Emi­rates ID and some secu­ri­ty ques­tions.

After this, they will pro­vide you full details with all the active ser­vices and offers that cause a deduc­tion of bal­ance from your SIM card. They will sub­mit your com­plaint and you will get your com­plaint num­ber through SMS. You can check your com­plaint num­ber on the Eti­salat web­site which is free.

  • Dial *123# select your active pack­age and fol­low the instruc­tions to deac­ti­vate the pack­age
  • You can also dial *101# and call 101 and can can­cel Eti­salat ser­vices and offers.

Deactivate Auto-Renewal Services

Dial *170# to can­cel all Eti­salat ser­vices auto-renewel. If you don’t want to reuse any offer next time, you can use this ser­vice. Eti­salat has pro­vid­ed this facil­i­ty to all cus­tomers whether they are pre­paid or post­paid.

Many users sub­scribe to cer­tain offers that are auto­mat­i­cal­ly acti­vat­ed after the pack­age expires. The com­pa­ny does not prop­er­ly inform about such ser­vices nor does the user take infor­ma­tion before acti­vat­ing such ser­vices. You can find such ser­vices by fol­low­ing our instruc­tions.

If you are abroad, you can ter­mi­nate such ser­vices by call­ing the Eti­salat helpline 101. You can also deac­ti­vate the 1111 ser­vice by dialling *123# or *101#.

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