Posted inSIM Guide

How to Block SIM Card in UAE — DU or Etisalat

How to Block SIM Card Online in UAE - DU or Etisalat

If you lose your SIM card or mobile phone while in the UAE, you should find a way to block it. If you don’t know about all these, then you can get infor­ma­tion about how to block Eti­salat SIM and how to block Du SIM with the help of this post.

Just as it’s easy to buy a SIM card in the UAE, it’s easy to unblock it and unblock ser­vices. You can avail your­self of all the facil­i­ties while sit­ting at home. If your SIM is lost any­where, you can imme­di­ate­ly call your net­work’s helpline to get it blocked and unblocked. The pro­ce­dure is very sim­ple, as I will tell you below.

Block Etisalat SIM Card

There are two types of meth­ods to block or unblock your lost or stolen Eti­salat SIM online and over the phone. You can use any method that is easy for you.

Block Etisalat SIM Card Online: Using Etisalat App or Web

Those who want to block Eti­salat SIM cards online can use this method. To use this method, you need an inter­net con­nec­tion and a mobile phone with the Eti­salat app. We will learn how to block or unblock Eti­salat’s stolen SIM card using the Eti­salat app here. Fol­low these steps:

  1. Install the My Eti­salat UAE app onto your mobile phone from Google Play Store or Apple Store
  2. Open the app and sign in to your account (If you’re already logged in, skip this step)
  3. Tap on the “Man­age” sec­tion
  4. Under “My Prod­ucts & Ser­vices”, tap on “SIM Cards.
  5. The list of num­bers will appear in the app
  6. Select the num­ber that you want to block and tap “Block”.
  7. This num­ber will be blocked, which you can unblock eas­i­ly by fol­low­ing the same method.
Block Etisalat SIM Card

Block Etisalat SIMs by Calling Etisalat Customer Care 101

You can also block an Eti­salat SIM card by call­ing Eti­salat cus­tomer care at (101). It is a very easy and fast step if you do have not an Eti­salat app.

  1. Call Eti­salat cus­tomer care num­ber 101 from any Eti­salat SIM Card
  2. Select the option “Block or Unblock SIM Card.”
  3. Pro­vide the secu­ri­ty code and cus­tomer ID or Eti­salat num­ber
  4. Fol­low the instruc­tions giv­en by the cus­tomer care rep­re­sen­ta­tive
  5. They will block your num­ber imme­di­ate­ly
  6. You can unblock your num­ber if you find any time by fol­low­ing the same process again.

You need to pro­vide the 4‑digit secu­ri­ty key that you get dur­ing the acti­va­tion of your SIM card. The acti­va­tion key and cus­tomer ID can be got from the Eti­salat app online or on your Eti­salat bill.

Etisalat Customer Care Numbers for non Etisalat Users

Dubai+971 4 555 5555
Abu Dhabi+971 2 555 5555
Shar­jah+971 6 555 5555

How to Block Du SIM Card

Du is the sec­ond most used tele­com net­work which pro­vides inter­net, calls, pre­paid, and broad­band val­ue-added ser­vices. If you have a DU SIM card that you lost or is stolen then you should block this imme­di­ate­ly. By doing this, you can pre­vent oth­ers from using this SIM card in any fraud. There are mul­ti­ple meth­ods to block a stolen or lost Du SIM card that you can use Which makes you com­fort­able.

Block DU SIM Online

Block DU SIM Using the DU App

Those who want to block Du SIM cards online can use this method. To use this method, you need an inter­net con­nec­tion and a mobile phone with the Du UAE app. We will learn how to block or unblock Du’s stolen SIM card using the DU app here. Fol­low these steps:

  1. Install the Du UAE app onto your mobile phone from Google Play Store or Apple Store
  2. Open the app and sign in to your account (If you’re already logged in, skip this step)
  3. Tap on the “SIM Card” sec­tion
  4. The list of num­bers will appear in the app
  5. Select the num­ber that you want to block and tap “Block SIM Card”.
  6. Enter your secu­ri­ty PIN and tap on con­firm
  7. The SIM Card will be blocked and you can get the dupli­cate from the DU store and retail­ers

Block DU SIM Calling Du’s customer service

You can also block a DU SIM card by call­ing DU cus­tomer care at 155.

  1. Call DU cus­tomer care num­ber 155 from any DU SIM Card
  2. Select the option “Block lost or stolen sim card.”
  3. Pro­vide the cus­tomer ID or Eti­salat num­ber
  4. Fol­low the instruc­tions giv­en by the cus­tomer care rep­re­sen­ta­tive
  5. They will block your num­ber imme­di­ate­ly

If your SIM is lost or stolen, you should con­tact your SIM com­pa­ny imme­di­ate­ly so they can block it. The SIM card can also be mis­used if some­one finds it, which can land you in a big prob­lem.

Your SIM is your iden­ti­ty and do not give it to any unknown per­son. You can eas­i­ly block lost SIM cards and mobile phones from your com­pa­ny’s app and helpline. There is no cost, but you may have to pay a fee of 20 dirhams when you go to get the dupli­cate again. In case of a lost mobile phone, call the police imme­di­ate­ly and get the SIM card blocked. Using this guide, you can block Du SIM online and block Eti­salat SIM online for free. I hope this will be help­ful for you.

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