Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat WhatsApp Package — Monthly, Weekly, Daily

Etisalat WhatsApp Package - Monthly, Weekly, Daily Dubaisims

Eti­salat is one of the best telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works in UAE which pro­vides call­ing, inter­net and val­ue-added ser­vices. King of the Social app “What­sApp” is our most used and need­ed. So, those peo­ple who live in UAE always need an Eti­salat What­sApp pack­age to con­nect with their friends, fam­i­lies and loved-ons.

UAE’s best net­work Eti­salat UAE offers dif­fer­ent types of social pack­ages includ­ing What­sApp pack­ages for dai­ly, week­ly and month­ly. Spe­cial What­sApp pack­ages are not avail­able but social pack­ages are avail­able to use What­sApp.

Also read: How to Buy Data on Eti­salat UAE – 3 New Work­ing Meth­ods

Eti­salat offers a vari­ety of month­ly, dai­ly and week­ly offers as well as add-ons to meet cus­tomers’ needs. There are also heavy data pack­ages with more MB that allow users to use Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, WeChat, Snapchat, Insta­gram, BOTIM* and C’Me and What­sApp.

If you want a cheap data pack­age, you can use What­sApp with a 150 MB social pack­age that costs only 2 AED. In addi­tion, the low-cost social pack­age 1GB offers data priced at AED 49 and allows users to access Face­book, Twit­ter, What­sApp and LinkedIn. Inter­net Speed after 1GB usage reduces to 64 Kbps after a fair usage lim­it.

Etisalat WhatsApp Package

Social DataPriceValid­i­tyActi­va­tion
1GBAED 49Month­lyText “SP” to 1010
3+2GBAED 149Month­lyDial *101#
1+1GBAED 100Month­ly Dial *170*1# or *101#
25+15GBAED 500Month­lyDial *170*1# or *101#
150MB/DayAED 42Month­lyDial *170*1# or *101#
250MB/DayAED 63Month­lyDial *170*1# or *101#
  • All prices are VAT-inclu­sive
  • Mul­ti­ple sub­scrip­tions will be allowed
  • Dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate any social data pack­age

Social Weekly Data Packages

150MB/DayAED 157 Days
250MB/DayAED 257 Days
  • Week­ly social pack­ages include Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, LinkedIn, WeChat, Snapchat, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and the Inter­net Call­ing Plan Apps (text only).
  • All prices are VAT-inclu­sive
  • Dial *101# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate any pack­age.

Daily Social WhatsApp Packages

Social DataPriceValid­i­tyActi­va­tion
150MBAED 2Dai­ly Text “DSP” to 1010
120MBAED 2Dai­lyDial *170*1#
  • Dai­ly social pack­ages include Face­book, Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, LinkedIn, WeChat, Snapchat, Twit­ter, Insta­gram and the Inter­net Call­ing Plan Apps (text only).
  • Eti­salat Dai­ly social pack­ages are valid for 24 hours
  • Mul­ti­ple sub­scrip­tions will be allowed
  • All prices are VAT-inclu­sive

Eti­salat also offers sev­er­al offers to users that allow them to get inter­net data in addi­tion to social. Such offers are avail­able in month­ly pack­ages, includ­ing 1+1GB data, priced at AED 100. Under this offer, users get 1GB of data for social apps and 1GB of data for inter­net brows­ing. Prices of all these offers are 5% VAT-inclu­sive.

If you acti­vate the 1GB What­sapp pack­age, it is the cheap­est plan for you. If you make HQ video calls, the 1GB of data can end in a few hours or days. You can learn more about 1GB data use on What­sApp here.

All the giv­en offers are for pre­paid users which can be acti­vat­ed by dialling *101# or *170#. If users have the Eti­salat app installed, they can acti­vate these pack­ages from the pack­ages sec­tion after log­ging into the app. With the What­sApp pack­age, users can send and receive mes­sages, make audio and video calls, and share and receive doc­u­ments, pho­tos and videos. Pack­ages that pro­vide data dai­ly reset the data every night.

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