Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat Unlimited Data for 1 Day, 1 Hour, Monthly Prepaid Package

Etisalat unlimited Data for 1 day

Eti­salat unlim­it­ed data for 1 day is always need­ed for all pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers. Post­paid cus­tomers have dif­fer­ent pack­ages so we will dis­cuss all the unlim­it­ed 1 day and 1 hour pack­ages for pre­paid cus­tomers. Unlim­it­ed inter­net is essen­tial for every task, such as if you work online, you need to have inter­net con­nec­tiv­i­ty dai­ly. With unlim­it­ed inter­net, you can down­load any type of con­tent from the inter­net. Eti­salat offers their users dai­ly and hourly unlim­it­ed data pack­ages at var­i­ous prices. With Wasel pre­paid, users can avail of these offers and enjoy full ben­e­fits.

Etisalat Unlimited Data for 1 Day, 1 Hour Prepaid Package

There are mul­ti­ple offers for dai­ly valid­i­ty but some are not unlim­it­ed. Cus­tomers can enjoy unlim­it­ed data using the Eti­salat 1 hour and 3 hours data pack­ages. These data pack­ages are avail­able on the Eti­salat UAE app and also can be sub­scribed to by dialling *800*5# and select­ing the need­ed pack. Here are the com­plete details of all Eti­salat unlim­it­ed data for 1 day.

Eti­salat pro­vides a dai­ly unlim­it­ed data pack­age for pre­paid cus­tomers which pro­vides non-stop data. This data can be used to use the social apps, browse the inter­net, web and watch the videos. If you need inter­net for a short time you can avail of this offer by dialling the *800*5#.

Etisalat Unlimited Data 1 Hour

Dai­ly Unlim­it­ed Data AED 3
PriceAED 3
Valid­i­ty1 Hour
Sub­scribeDial *800*5#

Cus­tomers can get unlim­it­ed data for 1 hour by dialling *800*5# in only AED 3. This offer is valid for all pre­paid Wasel cus­tomers. By sub­scrib­ing to this offer, cus­tomers will get unlim­it­ed data for the next hour. This data can be used to use social net­works, down­load large con­tent at @3Mbps and use any web­site and app. This pack is not valid for all cus­tomers but you can check whether are you eli­gi­ble or not by call­ing the Eti­salat helpline.

Etisalat Unlimited Data 3 Hours

Here is anoth­er offer relat­ed dai­ly data pack. By acti­vat­ing the 3 hours data pack, cus­tomers can enjoy unlim­it­ed inter­net data on more than @3Mbps speed for the next 3 hours of sub­scrip­tion.

Dai­ly Unlim­it­ed Data for AED 6
PriceAED 6
Valid­i­ty3 Hours
Sub­scribeDial *800*5#

This is an unlim­it­ed pack­age, so you can take full advan­tage of it. It costs 6 AED, after which you can use unlim­it­ed inter­net for the next three hours. For more infor­ma­tion, you can acti­vate Eti­salat unlim­it­ed data for 1 day code *800*5# from your SIM.

Requirments & Info

  • This pack­age is valid for pre­paid or con­trol line cus­tomers
  • By acti­vat­ing this pack­age, cus­tomers can enjoy unlim­it­ed data down­loads, brows­ing and social media use
  • It is a one-time sub­scrip­tion pack­age which will expire after 1 or 3 hours.
  • The pack­age is also avail­able on the Eti­salat UAE app
  • You can use unlim­it­ed data at @3Mbps speed accord­ing to Eti­salat

Non-Stop & Unlimited data with Free International Calls

Eti­salat is offer­ing non-stop data pack­ages for 7 days with free inter­na­tion­al call­ing min­utes. These pack­ages are avail­able for all Wasel pre­paid cus­tomers. Here are the pack­ages table which you can see and sub­scribe to accord­ing to your need and bud­get.

DataInt’l CallsCostValid­i­ty
Unlim­it­ed Data50 Int’l Min­utesAED 207 Days
Unlim­it­ed Data200 Int’l Min­utesAED 6028 Days
Unlim­it­ed Data-AED 5028 Days

All pack­ages are avail­able on the Eti­salat app and can be sub­scribed to by dialling *135*5#. If you want to get non-stop data for 7 days then you can acti­vate AED 20 pack­age which pro­vides 50 inter­na­tion­al call­ing min­utes and unlim­it­ed data.

Sim­i­lar­ly, the Month­ly unlim­it­ed data pack­age pro­vides 200 inter­na­tion­al call­ing min­utes and unlim­it­ed data. This pack­age costs AED 60 and is valid for 28 days. To sub­scribe to the pack­age dial *135*5# and fol­low the instruc­tions. Those cus­tomers who want an Eti­salat month­ly unlim­it­ed data pack can acti­vate the AED 50 plan.

  • All pack­ages have a dai­ly FUP of 150 MB which is lim­it­ed to @192Kbps after this the speed will be throt­tled to 64Kbps
  • Inter­na­tion­al min­utes are usable for call­ing to India, Pak­istan, Bangladesh, Philip­pines, Nepal, Egypt and Afghanistan.

Usage Check

  • To check the remain­ing min­utes send “VOICE” to 1012
  • To check the remain­ing data Dial *170*1# or send “DATA” to 1010


Unlim­it­ed inter­net is essen­tial every­where because the fastest inter­net con­sumes a sig­nif­i­cant amount of data, and due to lim­it­ed data, we can­not watch videos, etc., and com­plete our tasks effi­cient­ly. Users of lim­it­ed pack­ages fear that their pack­age may end soon, so they always need unlim­it­ed data.

If you work online, edit videos, and games, or engage in any oth­er activ­i­ties, unlim­it­ed data is a neces­si­ty. There­fore, while resid­ing in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, when­ev­er you need data for extend­ed tasks, be sure to choose com­pa­nies that offer unlim­it­ed data.

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