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Etisalat Tourist SIM Card and Prices

Etisalat UAE SIM card tourist plans and offers

Eti­salat is the best tele­com net­work in UAE which offers pre­paid, post­paid, and broad­band ser­vices in all areas. It is the high­est 5G ser­vice provider among oth­er net­works. In this guide, we will cov­er the Eti­salat tourist SIM card pack­ages, prices, and how to buy Eti­salat SIM cards a com­plete guide.

Eti­salat New SIM card prices in Dubai or UAE start from AED 49.00 includ­ing the pack­age. Tourists can get an Eti­salat-free SIM card from any near­est store or air­port in Dubai, Shar­jah, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, and oth­ers. Eti­salat has made more than 4 offers includ­ing a free SIM card start­ing from AED 49.00 to AED 319 with free call­ing pack­ages and offers.

Etisalat Visitor SIM Card Packages

Tourist SIM cards are avail­able at the air­port with dif­fer­ent types of prices and plans. This SIM card is avail­able for free but it does not have any recharge or pack­age If you are brand new and don’t need to make calls, you can buy a SIM-free card.

Free-1 GB1 Day
AED 4930 Flexi Mins2 GB28 Days
AED 7930 Flexi Mins4 GB28 Days
AED 125120 Flexi Mins8 GB+ 5 WIFI Hours28 Days
AED 200525 Flexi Mins22.5 GB+ 30 WIFI Hours28 Days
AED 319300 Flexi MinsUnlim­it­ed14 Days
AED 200100 Flexi MinsUnlim­it­ed7 Days
Eti­salat sim card prices for tourists

Eti­salat has changed the valid­i­ty of the AED 319 SIM card from 10 days to 14 days. Now you can buy an Eti­salat pre­paid tourist SIM card for 14 days and can get unlim­it­ed local data and 300 Flexi min­utes. In past, Eti­salat was pro­vid­ing 100 Flexi min­utes which was priced at AED 300 but after chang­ing the price, it increased the call­ing min­utes from 100 to 300. Keep in mind that this price includes 5% VAT. Here are all the pack­ages avail­able for the Eti­salat sim card for tourists.

You must ask the rep­re­sen­ta­tive at the store for a free SIM card only then you will get it. Peo­ple who want a bud­get plan that includes calls, inter­net and every­thing can buy its sec­ond offer­ing. This offer comes with 30 flexi min­utes that can be used for calls across any net­work and coun­try, 2GB of inter­net and one free vis­i­tor SIM card.

Flexi min­utes are usable to call with­in 100 coun­tries or the coun­try. WIFI hours can be used in all coun­tries where Eti­salat WIFI is avail­able. SIM cards can be ordered online by vis­it­ing the Eti­salat web­site.

Etisalat 7 Days Tourist Plan

Peo­ple who have vis­it­ed the UAE for 7 days can now pur­chase a 7‑day tourist SIM card. In this SIM, cus­tomers get unlim­it­ed local data along with 100 flexi min­utes. With these min­utes they can make local and inter­na­tion­al calls to allowed coun­tries. It should be not­ed that this is a new offer from Eti­salat which was launched in 2024.

The SIM is priced at AED 200 inclu­sive of all tax­es. You can buy Eti­salat eSIM online and at any air­port. If you have an Emi­rates ID, you can book the num­ber of your choice before land­ing in the UAE.

Visitor Line Transit Package

Tourists and vis­i­tors can get 1GB of data and 10 flexi min­utes with­in AED 50. If you are new in UAE and you are not aware of which SIM card is the best then you can read the Best SIM Card in UAE arti­cle which can help you a lot. In addi­tion, cus­tomers will get free WIFI for 48 hours. Here are more details:

Vis­i­tor Line Tran­sit Pack­age
Calls10 Flexi Min­utes
PriceAED 50
Valid­i­ty48 Hours
  • Vis­i­tors can acti­vate the pack­ages by dialling *120*card num­ber#
  • By using the Eti­salat app
  • Dial *121# to check the sta­tus of your pack­age

Which is the Best SIM Card for Visitors?

If you are going to Dubai for a few days and need calls, you can acti­vate Eti­salat’s oth­er offer. With this offer, users get 30 flexi min­utes which can be used to make calls any­where. The price of this pack­age is AED 49 which is valid for 28 days.

If you need more inter­net and calls, you can acti­vate the Eti­salat Vis­i­tor Plan Pre­mi­um. This offer also comes with free Wi-Fi which allows users to use Wi-Fi for 5 hours. This Wi-Fi can be used any­where in the coun­try where Eti­salat Wi-Fi is avail­able. With this plan, the cus­tomer also gets 500 MB of data from Gochat.

If you want to use more inter­net, you can opt for Eti­salat Wi-Fi plans. Eti­salat also offers a free Wi-Fi facil­i­ty to its cus­tomers through which they can get a Wi-Fi plan of 5 hours to 20 hours. Here are some free WIFI plans for tourists.

How to Get Etisalat Tourist SIM?

To get an Eti­salat tourist SIM card you need to have your pass­port and res­i­dent ID. You can show it to Eti­salat staff and then buy a tourist SIM card. You can select any of the above-giv­en pack­ages and can buy them.

Order SIM Card Online

You can order a sim card online by call­ing 101; if you live abroad, you can vis­it the Eti­salat web­site You have to pay a fee online after this you can get a SIM card from any air­port in UAE. Eti­salat has pro­vid­ed the facil­i­ty to choose your favourite num­ber online.

If you live in UAE, you can order a SIM card online and can get it at your pro­vid­ed address. The SIM card will be received with­in 24 hours.

Go to the Near­est Store

You can go to any near­est store to buy a SIM card. These SIM cards are avail­able also in all air­ports of the UAE.

  • You can call 101 or dial *101# to acti­vate the pack­age.
  • Vis­it the Web­site
  • Go to any near­est Eti­salat Store if you live in the UAE
1GB — 4GB5 Hours
4GB/More20 Hours

Eti­salat WIFI is avail­able in more than 350 loca­tions. You can con­nect your mobile phone or any oth­er device any­where where Eti­salat WIFI is avail­able. You have to just enter your mobile num­ber to con­nect with free WIFI. After using the lim­it­ed inter­net, you have to pur­chase its WIFI pack­ages.

Etisalat Tourist WIFI packages

Eti­salat has made unlim­it­ed WIFI pack­ages for its cus­tomers or non-Eti­salat users. These pack­ages are valid for dai­ly, 7 days and month­ly. WIFI is avail­able in more than 350 places in all coun­tries. Here are the pack­ages that vis­i­tors and any­one can sub­scribe to use the Inter­net.

AED 5Unlim­it­ed1 Day
AED 20Unlim­it­ed7 Days
AED 40Unlim­it­ed30 Days

You can con­nect to WIFI by enter­ing your mobile num­ber. Here is a com­plete guide to con­nect­ing and using the WIFI pack­age.

  1. Open the WIFI and con­nect it with Eti­salat WIFI
  2. In the brows­er, open any web­site > it will redi­rect to you on Eti­salat web­site
  3. Enter your mobile num­ber and ver­i­fy your num­ber by enter­ing the received OTP there
  4. Your account will be cre­at­ed or you will log in suc­cess­ful­ly
  5. Now, you can claim free WIFI for 1–4 hours or can sub­scribe to any WIFI pack­age online

You can get more inter­net, call­ing and roam­ing ser­vices by dialling *101# or using the Eti­salat UAE app.

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