Posted inEtisalat / Tourist SIM

Etisalat 25 Minutes International Call Package


Want to get an inter­na­tion­al call pack­age? Eti­salat is offer­ing a 25 min­utes inter­na­tion­al call pack­age for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers. Using these pack­ages, cus­tomers can call from Eti­salat UAE to Pak­istan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Afghanistan. The pack­age is valid for 24 hours and can be sub­scribed to by dialling *135*80#. Let’s explore the full details pack­age.

Coun­tries are Valid for:

  1. Pak­istan
  2. India
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Egypt
  5. Afghanistan

Etisalat 25 Minutes International Call Package

Eti­salat con­tin­ues to offer its new and exist­ing cus­tomers a vari­ety of pack­ages, includ­ing a dai­ly inter­na­tion­al call pack­age with 30 min­utes. With this pack­age, users can make free calls to any coun­try after acti­vat­ing the pack­age. This is the best and cheap­est plan to talk to your loved ones, friends, and rel­a­tives. When­ev­er you feel like mak­ing a call, you can instant­ly acti­vate the plan in a very sim­ple way.

  • Inter­na­tion­al calls: 25 Min­utes
  • Price: AED 5
  • Valid­i­ty: 24 Hours
  • Sub­scribe: Dial *135*80#

Users can dial *135*24# and fol­low the instruc­tions to acti­vate the 30 min­utes instead of 25-minute call­ing plan or use the Eti­salat UAE app. If you need a long-term inter­na­tion­al call pack­age, sub­scribe to the month­ly inter­na­tion­al voice pack.

Etisalat 250 Minutes International Call Package

There are many Eti­salat inter­na­tion­al call pack­ages, includ­ing a 250-minute pack. It costs AED 25 per month and pro­vides 250 call­ing min­utes for call­ing in Pak­istan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Afghanistan.

  • Inter­na­tion­al calls: 250 Min­utes
  • Price: AED 25
  • Valid­i­ty: 30 Days
  • Sub­scribe: Dial *135*80#

Here is the com­plete method of pack­age acti­va­tion:

  • Dial *135*80#
  • Select the “Month­ly Inter­na­tion­al Voice Pack” from the options
  • Select “250 Min­utes” from the list
  • Fol­low the on-screen instruc­tions to acti­vate the pack­age

Check the Remaining Minutes

To check the remain­ing min­utes, dial *121#. You can also check the remain­ing inter­na­tion­al and local min­utes by send­ing “Voice” to 1012 or using the Eti­salat UAE app.

If you want to call any coun­try, then this pack­age is best for you. You can get the pack­age infor­ma­tion by dialling *135# and acti­vat­ing it by select­ing the pack­age for you and com­plet­ing the recharge accord­ing­ly.

If you want to get pack­age infor­ma­tion online, then fol­low this method. First, install the Eti­salat app on your mobile phone. This app is avail­able for both Android mobile and Apple.

  • You can log in to the web part if you don’t want to use an app.
  • After log­ging in, go to the offers or ser­vices sec­tion and select an inter­na­tion­al pack­age from there.
  • Select the 25 min­utes pack­age and acti­vate it.

You can acti­vate the month­ly 250-minute inter­na­tion­al pack­age sev­er­al times a month. But the num­ber of min­utes you get will be 250 only.

Eti­salat has intro­duced sev­er­al plans to con­tact your loved ones. With the 25 minute pack­age, you can make as many long calls as you want, only you have to pay a one-time call set­up fee. For more infor­ma­tion, you can read this post.

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