Posted inDu UAE / SIM Guide

DU Unlimited Data for 1 Day — Truly Unlimited Internet Package

DU Unlimited Data for 1 Day - Truly Unlimited Internet Package

Du has pro­vid­ed many inter­net pack­ages to the users, but it is very dif­fi­cult to find out which one is the unlim­it­ed pack­age among them. Every com­pa­ny uses the word “Unlim­it­ed” with their Inter­net pack­ages, but it is not actu­al­ly “Unlim­it­ed”. Either the pack­age is con­vert­ed to 2G or a cer­tain lim­it­ed speed of 128 kbps is put on it.

In this post, we will present to you all the DU unlim­it­ed inter­net plans that are avail­able for one day. These pack­ages will actu­al­ly be unlim­it­ed, as some of the users know. These plans are unlim­it­ed but are valid only for pre­paid cus­tomers and are for a spe­cif­ic time. Let’s come to our top­ic, Du unlim­it­ed data for 1 day.

Du Unlimited data for 1 day

Du has a dai­ly unlim­it­ed data plan that pro­vides 1GB of data at high speed, and then data will be capped at 128 kbps. This plan is not real­ly an unlim­it­ed plan because after con­sum­ing the 1GB of data, its speed will slow down, or some­times the inter­net will not work. This plan’s price is AED 2, and it can be acti­vat­ed by dial­ing *135*55#. Here are more details about this pack­age:

Pack­age NameDu Dai­ly Unlim­it­ed Data
PriceAED 2
Valid­i­ty24 Hours
How to sub­scribe?Dial *135*55#
Send SMS “DICP” to 1355

We already have explained the Du 1GB per day pack­age details in anoth­er post which you can read and sub­scribe it.

How to subscribe DU Daily Unlimited Data?

Dial *135*55# or send “DICP” to 1355. You can also go to the DU app or the web and eas­i­ly acti­vate or deac­ti­vate this plan. This plan will not auto-renew, so you have to sub­scribe to it again the next day if need­ed.

How to Unsubscribe DU Daily Unlimited Data?

You can dial *135*7# or send “STOP” to 1355. By doing this, your sub­scribed pack­ages will be unsub­scribed, and you will be unable to use the data.

DU Unlimited Data Plans

In this step, we will pro­vide you with com­plete, unlim­it­ed inter­net infor­ma­tion. To get unlim­it­ed inter­net, you have to use Wi-Fi or install Wi-Fi. If you want unlim­it­ed inter­net on your pre­paid SIM, you need to turn on Play On Demand Data Ser­vice. This is an amaz­ing ser­vice that can give you unlim­it­ed inter­net access. So, we will first know what the Play On Demand Data Ser­vice is and how we can acti­vate or use it.

Play On Demand Data Service

Du has launched a sep­a­rate offer for cus­tomers who want unlim­it­ed inter­net. With this pack­age, users can get unlim­it­ed inter­net at a rate of 5 fils per minute. This offer is a gift for pre­paid users who want to surf the Inter­net with­out any speed lim­its.

With the Play On Demand Data Ser­vice, you can get unlim­it­ed inter­net at the high­est speed. You can sub­scribe to this pack­age by dial­ing *800#. Charges will be deduct­ed from your More Time and Out Of Cred­it wal­lets only, so make sure to have a suf­fi­cient bal­ance before you sub­scribe.

  • Inter­net Rate: 5 Fils per minute
  • Usage: Unlim­it­ed
  • Valid for: Pre­paid Users only
  • Acti­va­tion: Dial *800#

To find the best unlim­it­ed data plan for you, com­pare all the plans and con­sid­er your needs. You can also acti­vate the Unlim­it­ed 24/7 Data plan on pre­paid, which pro­vides you with unlim­it­ed inter­net data for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This plan costs AED 28 and is valid for 28 days. To sub­scribe to this pack­age, you must have enough bal­ance in your More Time wal­let. Dial *153*7# to acti­vate this plan any­time from a pre­paid SIM card. We will update this arti­cle when we find any new unlim­it­ed dai­ly plan.

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