Posted inEtisalat / SIM Guide

How to Cancel Etisalat Internet Package — 10 Best Tips

How to Cancel Etisalat Internet Package

Eti­salat is one of the best telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works in the UAE, offer­ing mobile, inter­net, land­line, TV, and home inter­net ser­vices. Many pre­paid and post­paid users sub­scribe to Eti­salat inter­net pack­ages but don’t know about their unsub­scrip­tion meth­ods.

There are many inter­net pack­ages that are auto-renewed after expi­ra­tion; most­ly, users have to issue bal­ance deduc­tions each time for the same ser­vice sub­scrip­tion. In this top­ic, we will tell you the 5 best steps to can­cel the Eti­salat Inter­net Pack­age.

How to Cancel Etisalat Internet Package

When you sub­scribe to any inter­net pack­age as per your require­ment, most of the pack­ages are auto­mat­i­cal­ly sub­scribed if there is a bal­ance in the SIM after expiry. Peo­ple who don’t need it again lose their bal­ance, which they get wor­ried about, and start look­ing for a way to get rid of it. Here, you will be told about dif­fer­ent meth­ods that you can use accord­ing to your con­ve­nience.

Cancel the Etisalat Internet Package by dialing a USSD code

This is a sim­ple and free method that you can use on any mobile phone. For this, you have to dial some USSD codes from your mobile phone and fol­low the instruc­tions.

Method 1:

  • Dial *170# and fol­low the instruc­tions
  • You can unsub­scribe from any pack­age for free

Method 2:

  • Pre­paid cus­tomers can dial *101# on their phone
  • Select Account Man­age­ment by reply­ing with “1.”
  • Now, select “2” Allowance inquiry
  • Active Pack­ages will appear on the screen and you can unsub­scribe eas­i­ly
  • Upon deac­ti­vat­ing the pack­ages, you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS and then be unable to use the inter­net.

Deactivate all Active Packages on Etisalat

If you want to remove all the pack­ages from your SIM, then by fol­low­ing the giv­en method, you can do it suc­cess­ful­ly. Note that doing this will delete all inter­net, calls, and oth­er ser­vices on your SIM, and you will not be able to use it again.

  • Dial *123# and fol­low the instruc­tions to unsub­scribe from all ser­vices
  • Dial *101# and call at 101 to unsub­scribe from your active pack­ages
  • Use the Eti­salat app and web por­tal to deac­ti­vate the Eti­salat inter­net pack­ages

How to Stop Etisalat Auto-Renewal Services and Packages

As I told you above, most of the pack­ages are auto­mat­i­cal­ly sub­scribed again after being sub­scribed. They will remain active with your SIM bal­ance until you can­cel them. You can ter­mi­nate the Eti­salat Auto-Renew­al Ser­vices using this method.

  • Dial *170# from your Eti­salat SIM
  • A menu list will appear on your mobile screen
  • Reply with “Deac­ti­vate your cur­rent data plan.”
  • Select the plan and reply with 1 to con­firm
  • The acti­vat­ed data pack­age will be unsub­scribed imme­di­ate­ly from your SIM
  • You will be informed through an SMS

Cancel Etisalat Internet Package Using Text

This is anoth­er amaz­ing and work­ing method for pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers. To use this method, you may know about the acti­vate pack­age acti­va­tion code. If you have sub­scribed to a 1GB data offer whose sub­scrip­tion code is “M1G” then you have to send C M1G to 1010.  If you have sub­scribed to any inter­net pack­age that is auto-renewed and want to unsub­scribe, then use this method.

  • Write an SMS “C (space) Your­Bundle­Code” and send it to 1010
  • For exam­ple “C M1G” to 1010

Call customer care:

You can also call 101 on the Eti­salat helpline and ask a cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tive to deac­ti­vate the pack­ages on your SIM. They will check the details and unsub­scribe your active extra pack­ages after some ver­i­fi­ca­tions.

  • Call from Eti­salat: Dial 101
  • For oth­er net­works: +971 400444101

Deactivate Etisalat Packages and Services By Visiting the Store

After using all the giv­en meth­ods, if you fail to unsub­scribe and deac­ti­vate any pack­age on your SIM or phone, you can vis­it the Eti­salat store. You must bring your Emi­rates ID and con­tract form (if you have one) to can­cel the Eti­salat pack­ages and ser­vices.

Cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tives will pro­vide you with a form for Eti­salat Inter­net can­cel­la­tion, which you have to fill out and pro­vide the rea­sons for can­cel­la­tion. After doing this, your inter­net con­nec­tion will be dis­con­nect­ed and deac­ti­vat­ed with­in a few hours. You will be informed through an SMS to your reg­is­tered mobile phone num­ber.

USSD Codes to Deactivate Etisalat Internet Packages

Pack­ageUnsub­scribe Method
10GB Post­paid Data PlanSend “C 10GB” to 1010
Dai­ly Roam­ing Data PlanSend “RDD” to 1010
500MB Dai­ly Com­bo PlanText “C RDC500” to 1010
1GB Dai­ly Com­bo PlanText “C RDC1″ to 1010
2GB Dai­ly Com­bo Plan Text “C RDC2″ to 1010
5GB Dai­ly Com­bo PlanText “C RDC5” to 1010
10GB Dai­ly Com­bo PlanText “C RDC10″ to 1010
Dai­ly Com­bo PlanText “C RDC” to 1010

Use the Etisalat App and Web Protal

You can also use the Eti­salat app and log in to your account on the Eti­salat web­site. If you have not cre­at­ed an account, you can do this by just down­load­ing and installing the app and enter­ing your Emi­rates ID, mobile num­ber, and email address.

  • Down­load and Install the Eti­salat app from the Play Store or Apple Store
  • Login to your account and tap the man­age but­ton
  • You will see the list of all active pack­ages
  • Under pack­age details, you will also see the unsub­scrip­tion and can­cel­la­tion option
  • Click on the unsub­scribe but­ton
  • Con­firm it by enter­ing your pass­word (If required)
  • The pack­age will be unsub­scribed and you will be informed through an SMS

You can use these codes accord­ing to your ser­vices and plans to deac­ti­vate the pack­age. Keep in mind that, after unsub­scrib­ing to any pack­age, you will not get a refund and can­not use the inter­net again. To use the inter­net, you have to resub­scribe to the offer.

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