Posted inWIFI & Guide

Best Home Wi-Fi Connection and plans in UAE under Dh200

Best Home Wi-Fi Connection and plans in uae

Inter­net at home in Dubai is very expen­sive, but if you use Pro­mo­tions, you can get Inter­net at your home at a very low cost. Such oppor­tu­ni­ties do not come often as UAE Tele­com com­pa­nies occa­sion­al­ly launch pro­mo­tions that are for a lim­it­ed time. Eti­salat, DU, and Vir­gin Tele­com net­works in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates are offer­ing unlim­it­ed inter­net for 200 dirhams per month.

Any land­line con­nec­tion requires an advance fee, but using 5G devices, you can instant­ly install the con­nec­tion at your home. It does not require any kind of tech­nique or expe­ri­ence.

Etisalat Home Internet Plan:

  • With unlim­it­ed inter­net at AED 199 a month
  • 12-month con­tract
  • One free Wi-Fi device and SIM card
  • Home deliv­ery in 24 hours

Eti­salat has pro­vid­ed a home Wi-Fi con­nec­tion facil­i­ty for Dh199 for res­i­dents of the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. All you have to do is pay Dh199 per month after which your inter­net will con­tin­ue to work as per the con­tract for a whole year. The orig­i­nal price of this plan is AED 399 per month which will be applic­a­ble after 12 months of the con­tract.

Here’s how to order it:

  • Go to the Eti­salat web­site and select the AED 199 Home Wi-Fi plan
  • Select the con­tract
  • Select Device 4G or 5G
  • Click on Process Order and enter your home address
  • Enter the card details and pay the amount
  • With­in 24 hours, the Eti­salat Home Wi-Fi device will arrive at your pro­vid­ed address along with a SIM card.

DU Home Wireless Plan:

  • Dh199/month
  • A 5G router
  • A SIM card
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net for 12 months
  • Free deliv­ery in 24 hours

DU is offer­ing its cus­tomers the same offer as Unlim­it­ed Inter­net on a 12-month con­tract. Under this plan, you will have to pay AED 199 per month, which will be AED 245 per month after the 12-month con­tract expires. If you do not renew the con­tract, you may have to pay a fine of 1000 dirhams.

Virgin Wi-Fi Plan:

  • Dh125 per month
  • A 5G router (AED 600)
  • A SIM card
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net for 12 months

If you buy this plan for 12 months, you will have to pay an Upfront fee which is around Dh1500. Also, if you need a router, you can get a router (option­al) by pay­ing a fee of AED 600. Vir­gin Wi-Fi is avail­able at AED 125 per month, but after the 12-month con­tract ends, it costs AED 250 a month, which means you’ll have to pay a 12-month fee of around AED 3,000.

Accord­ing to Vir­gin, you can use their pro­vid­ed SIM card any­where and in any router, but there is no guar­an­tee that it will be com­pat­i­ble.

Which of these connections is good?

Deter­min­ing this depends on your needs, and which ser­vices and fea­tures you want. In terms of pro­mo­tions, Vir­gin is cur­rent­ly offer­ing the cheap­est inter­net at AED 125 a month, but you have to pay an upfront cost of AED 1,500 and the router fee sep­a­rate­ly. Sim­i­lar­ly, the total router install­ment will be com­bined at AED 175 per month, which is still less than the 12-month con­tract from DU and Eti­salat.

How to set up a 5G router at Home?

When you order a home Wi-Fi con­nec­tion from any tele­com oper­a­tor, you get a SIM card along with it. You have to insert this card into the device and plug the device. When it starts giv­ing Wi-Fi sig­nals, you have to con­nect to Wi-Fi by look­ing at the pass­word giv­en at the bot­tom of the router.

How to set up a 5G router at Home?

Make sure to always place the router in an open area with a win­dow so that it does­n’t have prob­lems receiv­ing sig­nals. If you are fac­ing a prob­lem in sim acti­va­tion then you can con­tact your tele­com provider imme­di­ate­ly.

The com­pa­ny locks the router in one loca­tion after which you can­not move it to anoth­er one. To change home loca­tion, you first need to con­tact your provider and pro­vide them with the infor­ma­tion about the new loca­tion, after which your inter­net will start work­ing.

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