Etisalat 2 Fils per Minute Data Plan *777*1# — Start/Stop Data Service

Are you an Eti­salat pre­paid user and need to use data occa­sion­al­ly? If yes then Eti­salat has launched 2 Fils per Minute Data Plan for such cus­tomers where they will pay only when they use the data. With this offer you pay 2 fils for every minute you use as much inter­net as you want — there is no lim­it. Start/Stop Data Ser­vice can be the best solu­tion for you when your data is wast­ed due to not using much inter­net!

Start/Stop Data Service

Eti­salat Start-Stop Data Ser­vice means pay only for what you use! Many peo­ple know this offer by this code *777*1# or *777#. Pre­paid cus­tomers have ‘Start/ Stop’ data when they need­ed which is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty. There is no inter­net data lim­it who­ev­er you use data in MBs or GBs in min­utes __ you have to pay only 2 Fils per minute of using the inter­net. Using this data plan, Inter­net speed is lim­it­ed to 1Mbps and charges will be done when you use a minute.

Etisalat 2 Fils per Minute Data Plan *777*1# - Start/Stop Data Service

It can be great for watch­ing videos, using social media and brows­ing web­sites. The cus­tomers will enjoy unlim­it­ed access to all sites at a very good speed, ensur­ing an excel­lent cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Let us know how to sub­scribe, unsub­scribe start or stop a data ses­sion.


Dial *777# to start or stop the data ses­sion. You’ll only be charged for the min­utes you use, with no data vol­ume lim­its, so you don’t have to wor­ry about MBs or GBs.

The price of this ser­vice is AED 0.02 per minute (5% VAT exclud­ed).


To Stop your ses­sion dial *777*2#.

Check Usage:

You can check your usage by dialling *777*3#.

Start/Stop Data Service Benefits:

  • Use with Exist­ing Plans
  • Pay by the Minute
  • Data Sav­ing
  • Low Min­i­mum Charge
  • Pro­tec­tion from Extra Charges

Disadvantages of Start/Stop Data Service

  • No Data Shar­ing
  • Min­i­mum Access Charge
  • Lim­it­ed to Short Ses­sions
  • Pay-by-the-Minute Costs
  • No Long-Term Data Use

Whether you already have dai­ly or week­ly data plans, you can still use the Start/Stop data ser­vice. will do One thing to remem­ber, when you use start/stop data ses­sion you won’t be able to share your data with oth­er devices or peo­ple.

There is a small charge of AED 0.30 for the first 15 min­utes. After end­ing your data ses­sion, you won’t be charged pay-as-you-go rates for the next two hours, giv­ing you peace of mind. Accord­ing to Eti­salat, you can use this ser­vice like Pay-As-you-Go means pay when you use the ser­vice and it is best for low-end inter­net users.

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