Etisalat New Monthly Freedom Plan 50 Flexi Minutes in AED 50


Inter­net Data

50 Min­utes

Flexi Calls

AED 50

Month­ly Valid­i­ty (AED 52.5 VAT inclu­sive)


Con­tract Length

Eti­salat New Post­paid Month­ly Free­dom Plan 50 Flexi Min­utes in AED 50 is avail­able as a month­ly con­tract. Sub­scribers can get 50 Flexi min­utes for 30 days valid­i­ty for only AED 50 and AED 52.5 Includ­ing 5% VAT. All those cus­tomers who wish to get a low-cost Eti­salat post­paid plan can acti­vate this offer.

How to Activate?

Vis­it the Eti­salat office or call Eti­salat helpline 101 to get this offer. You can also use the Eti­salat UAE app and trans­fer pre­paid to post­paid then acti­vate this plan.


  • User must be 21 years old to get this offer
  • A Valid Emi­rates ID and its front or back copy
  • Stamped salary certificate/Job Con­tract (min­i­mum salary: AED 2,500)
  • UAE-issued cred­it card (Any Bank)

Nation­al Out of bun­dle rate:

AED 0.32 / mins

Nation­al SMS


Inter­na­tion­al SMS

AED 0.63 /SMS



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