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Where to buy a tourist SIM card at the airport or in the city

Buying SIM card in uae which is the best place

SIM card is always one thing that we need all the time while going to a new place. If you also want to know about this while going to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, then read this post com­plete­ly so that you do not face any kind of dif­fi­cul­ty lat­er.

Many peo­ple want to know whether they should buy a SIM card at the air­port while trav­el­ling to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates or lat­er. This is a prob­lem that every new­bie faces when they are on a bud­get or look­ing for a par­tic­u­lar ser­vice.

When you arrive at any inter­na­tion­al air­port in the UAE, you will find sev­er­al SIM card-sell­ing stalls with­in the air­port ter­mi­nal. These stalls are usu­al­ly open 24 hours a day, sev­en days a week.

Eti­salat and Du, the two largest mobile phone oper­a­tors in the UAE, have a large num­ber of stores across the coun­try. You can buy SIM cards any­where in the coun­try as their points are avail­able every­where.

If you check the prices of these two sims, there is not much dif­fer­ence between them. DU also does pro­vides the same prices as Eti­salat charges cus­tomers for new con­nec­tions.

Now the question is Where to buy a tourist SIM card at the airport or in the city?

You can buy the tourist sim card in the city if you are on bud­get. Buy­ing a SIM card at the air­port has some advan­tages and some dis­ad­van­tages too. If you buy a SIM card at the air­port, you get lim­it­ed plans and SIM cards there. If you want to buy more data sim card at low­er price then you have to vis­it sim card fran­chise or dif­fer­ent stores in the city to com­pare.

Apart from DU and Eti­salat, Vir­gin Mobile is also wide­ly used in the UAE for data usage. But Vir­gin could end up with a faster 5G net­work. You should check their plans and then buy it. Free SIM cards are avail­able at both Eti­salat and DU at air­ports. If you are look­ing for a free SIM card, ask the Eti­salat or DU staff at the air­port for a free SIM card.

Dubai Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (DXB), Abu Dhabi (AUH), Shar­jah Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SHJ), Al Ain Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (AIN) and Fujairah Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (FJR) all these places you can buy a free trav­el­er SIM card.

Benefits of buying a SIM card in the city:

1. Cities usu­al­ly have more tele­com oper­a­tors and resellers. This means you will have more choice to com­pare dif­fer­ent plans and prices. If you find SIM card prices of one net­work too high or data too low, you can check SIM plans of oth­er net­works on the stores.

2. It is pos­si­ble that you will not get the SIM card for free at the air­port. If you buy a SIM card from a store in the city, you get a vari­ety of plans as well as a free SIM card option.

3. If you have any prob­lems set­ting up or using your SIM card, you can go to a local store and get help.

Disadvantage of buying a SIM card in the city:

Buy­ing a SIM card in the city may take some time, most­ly due to rush hour. You may also face lan­guage prob­lems as there may not be staff there who under­stand your lan­guage and you may have to get help from anoth­er per­son.

To buy a SIM card from stores in the city, you may need a ride like find bus or Taxi and may have to search for a store. If you go to buy a SIM card at a low price, you may get the SIM card at the same price as at the air­port along with the fare.

Benefits of buying a SIM card at the airport:

  • When you buy a SIM card at the air­port, you will find staff who speak Eng­lish and there are also peo­ple who speak oth­er lan­guages.
  • After land­ing at the air­port, you can buy a SIM card imme­di­ate­ly, which saves you time and makes the jour­ney eas­i­er.

Disadvantage of buying a SIM card at the airport:

  • Air­ports usu­al­ly have a lim­it­ed num­ber of tele­com oper­a­tors and plans avail­able. This can make it dif­fi­cult for you to find an oper­a­tor of your choice.
  • The prices of SIM cards here can be high­er than the usu­al SIMs.
  • You may have to vis­it the com­pa­ny office or a store to acti­vate the SIM card or resolve any oth­er issues as there is lim­it­ed sup­port at the air­port.

In the end, the best place to buy a SIM card in UAE will depend on your indi­vid­ual needs and pref­er­ences. If you want the most choice or best prices, buy­ing a SIM card in the city is the best option. If you need ease and con­ve­nience, pur­chas­ing a SIM card at the air­port is a bet­ter option. Before buy­ing a sim card from air­port or any retail­er in city, must read our guide best sim cards in UAE.

3 thoughts on “Where to buy a tourist SIM card at the airport or in the city

  1. Buy­ing sim card on air­port is best for tourist because tourist can­not buy sim on Pass­port on oth­er places. You described well, Only Tourist Sims can be pur­chased from Air­port.

    To buy local pre­paid or post­paid ser­vice sim need a Emi­rates ID.

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