Posted inDu UAE / SIM Guide

Du SIM Renewal Methods Using Emirates ID Online

Du SIM Renewal Methods Using Emirates ID

If you are liv­ing in UAE and using the DU SIM then you should know this method because it can help you in future and any­time when your Emi­rates ID expires. Many peo­ple face issues in renew­ing their SIM cards, most of whom are new users. In this guide, you can learn how to update Emi­rates ID in UAE pass online with Screen­shots and step by step guide.

A SIM card has a usage lim­it, known as the expi­ra­tion date. Once it expires, it becomes inac­tive, and we need to renew it. Addi­tion­al­ly, rea­sons for SIM card renew­al include pass­port expi­ra­tion, Emi­rates ID expi­ra­tion, and var­i­ous oth­er secu­ri­ty rea­sons.

In this post, we will pro­vide you with com­plete infor­ma­tion on how to renew DU SIM card. You can do all of this from the com­fort of your home, and I will guide you through the process here. Due to var­i­ous rea­sons, we can­not inform you whether you need to pay a fee for SIM renew­al.

This is because many SIM cards with pack­ages often have post­paid plans. Addi­tion­al­ly, SIM cards pur­chased by tourists are valid for a lim­it­ed peri­od. It is essen­tial to renew such SIM cards; oth­er­wise, you may need to pur­chase a new SIM card.

How to Renew Du SIM Card?

There are many ways to renew a Du SIM, among which online renew­al is very easy and con­ve­nient. For this, you need to have Du App installed on your mobile. If the app is installed on your mobile and you have a logged-in account, you can renew it by pay­ing a small fee.

The fee for this can range from 10 AED to 20 AED. If you have a post­paid SIM, you will need to pay the fee along with your pack­age. Pre­paid users can also renew their SIM for free, for which they need their valid Emi­rates ID. In short words, you can renew Du SIM using these meth­ods:

  1. Using Du UAE Online Web por­tal
  2. Renew SIM using the DU UAE app
  3. Going to the Du UAE office and call­ing the cus­tomer sup­port cen­tre
  4. Using the UAE Pass
  5. Recharge the SIM card of AED 30, AED 50 and AED 100 (Vis­i­tor SIM Cards)

You must have cleared your loans tak­en from DU and Vir­gin UAE before pro­cess­ing. These meth­ods can used for the renew­al of Vir­gin UAE SIM cards.

DU SIM Card Renewal With UAE Pass

Use the fol­low­ing method to renew your DU SIM Card Online in UAE. This method is 100% safe and work­ing which is valid for all pre­paid and post­paid cus­tomers. Before con­tin­u­ing to the steps, make sure that you have installed the DU UAE and UAE Pass app on your mobile phone.

Update Emirates ID in UAE Pass Online

When your sim card is expired, it means that you have to renew it. You can do this by log­ging in to your UAE Pass app and adding your new Emi­rates ID pic­tures. You can do this by fol­low­ing the method:

Login to UAE Pass and upload your Emirates ID

When your sim card is expired, it means that you have to renew it. You can do this by log­ging in to your UAE Pass app and adding your new Emi­rates ID pic­tures. You can do this by fol­low­ing the method:

DU SIM Card Renew­al With UAE Pass
First of all, you have to renew your expired Emi­rates ID and upload it to your UAE pass. When you have done this process, down­load and install the Du app, and UAE pass app and fol­low the instruc­tions.
Login to UAE Pass and upload your Emi­rates ID
When your sim card is expired, it means that you have to renew it. You can do this by log­ging in to your UAE Pass app and adding your new Emi­rates ID pic­tures. You can do this by fol­low­ing the method:

DU SIM Renewel Guide
1. Open the UAE Pass App and log in to your account
2. Tap on “Add Doc­u­ment“
3. Look for the sec­tion “Fed­er­al Author­i­ty for Iden­ti­ty and Cit­i­zen­ship” and tap on it
4. Upload the Emi­rates ID num­ber
5. Wait for a moment, your Emi­rates ID will be ver­i­fied and the Green tick will appear
Open the DU UAE app and log in with the UAE Pass
In this step, you have to down­load and install the Du UAE app on your mobile phone. This app is avail­able on the Play Store and Apple Store for free. If you already have an account, log in and click on the menu in the bot­tom-mid­dle of the screen in three lines as shown in the screen­shot.

How to Renewal Du SIM
Open the Update ID Sec­tion
When you open the menu by click­ing on the lines icon at the bot­tom, you will see mul­ti­ple options. Look for the Update ID sec­tion and tap on it.

How to Renewal Du SIM - Step 2
Login with UAE Pass
In this sec­tion, you have to log in Du app with UAE Pass by tap­ping on the “Log in with UAE Pass” option.

How to Renewal Du SIM - Step 3 - Tap on Login with UAE Pass
Select the Num­bers to Renew
In front of you, all DU num­bers and Vir­gin Mobile num­bers reg­is­tered in your name will be vis­i­ble. You need to select those num­bers that have expired and require renew­al. Such num­bers will appear in the ID Expiry List, as the screen­shot shows. Accept the terms and con­di­tions and then tap on the sub­mit but­ton. Remem­ber that you can reg­is­ter only 5 Du and Vir­gin num­bers on one Emi­rates ID.
How to Renewal Du SIM - Step 4 Select number
Select a Num­ber for SMS Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
Du will ask you to select a num­ber on which you will get a con­fir­ma­tion SMS. This num­ber should be in your use and ON so that upon ID ver­i­fi­ca­tion, you will get a con­fir­ma­tion SMS.

How to Renewal Du SIM - Step 6 Select number

Many peo­ple make the mis­take in this sec­tion of select­ing a blocked num­ber, sp they did not receive SMS. You should avoid such mis­takes and select an active num­ber, receiv­ing calls and mes­sages. After select­ing the num­ber, tap on Con­tin­ue with UAE Pass. You will be redi­rect­ed to the UAE Pass app where you have to con­sent to shar­ing the infor­ma­tion.
Con­firm the Doc­u­ment Shar­ing
Select the I con­sent to share this infor­ma­tion, then tap the Allow Doc­u­ment Shar­ing but­ton. Now on the next page, the list of doc­u­ments you will share with Du will appear. Only select the “Emi­rates ID Card” if you have uploaded mul­ti­ple records.

How to Renewal Du SIM using UAE Pass - Last Step
Final Step
After com­plet­ing the all steps, you will get a con­fir­ma­tion SMS with a ref­er­ence code on the select­ed num­ber or in the app. You can use this code to track the process of your appli­ca­tion. Du ID ver­i­fi­ca­tion through UAE Pass typ­i­cal­ly takes 24 hours but it is done with­in a few hours depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion process. Once the Du SIM is suc­cess­ful­ly renewed, you will be informed through the SMS and on the Du web­site appli­ca­tion track­ing page.

Check Du SIM Renewal Status Online

Usu­al­ly, Du takes 24 hours to renew the Du SIM through the UAE Pass process. How­ev­er, it may some­times take more or less time. If you have com­plet­ed all the steps cor­rect­ly, you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS with­in a few hours stat­ing that your SIM has been renewed.

Du SIM renewal status check

You will also receive a ref­er­ence num­ber when you apply, which you can enter on Du’s web­site to check your renew­al sta­tus. To check through the web­site use this method:

  • Open the Du web­site page “ID renew­al” on your phone or desk­top
  • Enter your ref­er­ence num­ber which you receive on SMS or the app
  • Click on “Check Sta­tus” and see the results

By using all the steps, you can renew your SIM eas­i­ly at home. Please note that charges for SIM renew­al will apply if you have select­ed a pack­age with it. If you have already tak­en a loan, Du will ask you to pay that amount.

You can go to any Du office, sales point, or any autho­rized Du shop to renew your SIM and also make the pay­ment. In the com­ing days, Du might change its pol­i­cy, after which you may need to pay a fee for SIM renew­al. We will keep you updat­ed on this. If you want to know more about Du, you can enter the Du sec­tion to see all its offers and solu­tions.

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