Posted inEtisalat

Etisalat Local Calling Packages — 200, 300, 500 Minutes

Etisalay Local call packages

Eti­salat pre­paid users can now get 300, 200 and 500 local call­ing minute pack­ages. With the help of these pack­ages, cus­tomers can talk with their friends, fam­i­ly and loved-ons at a very low cost.

All Eti­salat pre­paid cus­tomers are eli­gi­ble to sub­scribe to local call­ing pack­ages 200, 300 and 500. Here are dai­ly, month­ly and week­ly local call­ing plans avail­able for pre­paid cus­tomers.

Etisalat Daily Local Calling Packages

Eti­salat local 30 min­utes call­ing pack­age price has been increased from AED 3 to AED 4. Now you can sub­scribe it for only AED 4 (5% VAT includ­ed).

Pack­ageSMS codePriceValid­i­ty
5 local min­utesLocal5AED 1Dai­ly
10 local min­utesLocal10AED 2Dai­ly
30 local min­utesLocal30AED 4Dai­ly
  • Acti­va­tion: Send an SMS with the Pack­age code to 1010
  • Cus­tomer can also dial *111# and can select the offer accord­ing to their need.
  • Valid­i­ty: 1 Day

Etisalat 200 Local Minutes Call Package

Intro­duc­ing the Eti­salat 200 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age, a per­fect choice for those seek­ing afford­able and con­ve­nient call­ing options. With this pack­age, you get 200 local min­utes for only AED 50 per month to con­nect with your loved ones, col­leagues, or busi­ness con­tacts with­in your local region.

Whether you need to make impor­tant calls or sim­ply stay in touch with friends and fam­i­ly, this pack­age offers great val­ue for mon­ey.

  • Local Min­utes: 200 Min­utes
  • Price: AED 50
  • Acti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*200# or *170#
  • Deac­ti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*200*0#

Key Fea­tures:

  • 200 local min­utes: Enjoy 200 min­utes to make local calls with­in your region.
  • Seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Expe­ri­ence crys­tal-clear voice qual­i­ty and unin­ter­rupt­ed con­nec­tions.
  • Bud­get-friend­ly: Afford­able pric­ing to suit your com­mu­ni­ca­tion needs.
  • Easy acti­va­tion: Acti­vate the Eti­salat 200 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age with a sim­ple and has­sle-free process.

You may also like: Eti­salat 1 AED 20 Min­utes Code

Stay con­nect­ed with the Eti­salat 200 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age and enjoy has­sle-free com­mu­ni­ca­tion with­in your region.

Whether you need to stay in touch with your loved ones or stay con­nect­ed for busi­ness pur­pos­es, this pack­age has you cov­ered.

Etisalat 300 Local Minutes Call Package

Eti­salat 300 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age, is a per­fect choice for those seek­ing afford­able and con­ve­nient call­ing options. With this pack­age, you get 300 local min­utes for only AED 65 per month to con­nect with your loved ones, col­leagues, or busi­ness con­tacts with­in your local region.

Whether you need to make impor­tant calls or sim­ply stay in touch with friends and fam­i­ly, this pack­age offers great val­ue for mon­ey.

  • Local Min­utes: 300 Min­utes
  • Price: AED 65
  • Acti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*300# or *170#
  • Deac­ti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*300*0#

Key Fea­tures:

  • 300 local min­utes: Enjoy 300 min­utes to make local calls with­in your region.
  • Seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Expe­ri­ence crys­tal-clear voice qual­i­ty and unin­ter­rupt­ed con­nec­tions.
  • Flex­i­bil­i­ty: Make calls at your con­ve­nience, any­time through­out the day.
  • Bud­get-friend­ly: Afford­able pric­ing to suit your com­mu­ni­ca­tion needs.
  • Easy acti­va­tion: Acti­vate the Eti­salat 300 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age with a sim­ple and has­sle-free process.

Stay con­nect­ed with the Eti­salat 300 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age and enjoy has­sle-free com­mu­ni­ca­tion with­in your region. Whether you need to stay in touch with your loved ones or stay con­nect­ed for busi­ness pur­pos­es, this pack­age has you cov­ered. Acti­vate now and expe­ri­ence seam­less call­ing with Eti­salat!

Etisalat 500 Local Minutes Call Package

Eti­salat 500 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age, is a per­fect choice for those seek­ing afford­able and con­ve­nient call­ing options. With this pack­age, you get 500 local min­utes for only AED 99 per month to con­nect with your loved ones, col­leagues, or busi­ness con­tacts with­in your local region.

Whether you need to make impor­tant calls or sim­ply stay in touch with friends and fam­i­ly, this pack­age offers great val­ue for mon­ey.

  • Local Min­utes: 500 Min­utes
  • Price: AED 99
  • Acti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*500# or *170#
  • Deac­ti­va­tion Code: Dial *101*500*0#

Key Fea­tures:

  • 500 local min­utes: Enjoy 500 min­utes to make local calls with­in your region.
  • Seam­less con­nec­tiv­i­ty: Expe­ri­ence crys­tal-clear voice qual­i­ty and unin­ter­rupt­ed con­nec­tions.
  • Flex­i­bil­i­ty: Make calls at your con­ve­nience, any­time through­out the day.
  • Bud­get-friend­ly: Afford­able pric­ing to suit your com­mu­ni­ca­tion needs.
  • Easy acti­va­tion: Acti­vate the Eti­salat 300 Local Min­utes Call Pack­age with a sim­ple and has­sle-free process.

New Freedom Plan 225

This pack­age is avail­able with and with­out com­mit­ment which the user can buy as per his require­ment and bud­get. This Eti­salat offer is avail­able at AED 225 per month with­out com­mit­ment and AED 200 per month with a 12-month com­mit­ment.

Both plans offer 13GB of inter­net data, 400 local and inter­na­tion­al (Flexi) min­utes and 100 min­utes of UAE Wi-Fi. The only dif­fer­ence is in their price which is low­er on con­tract.

  • No-Con­tract
  • 12 Months
  • 13GB Data
  • 400 Flexi Min­utes
  • 100 min­utes UAE WIFI
  • 225 AED / month
  • 13GB Data
  • 400 Flexi Min­utes
  • 100 min­utes UAE WIFI
  • 200 AED / month

You can acti­vate this pack­age by call­ing the Eti­salat call cen­tre. If you want to buy a new SIM card, you can book your toll-free num­ber online. You have to ask to call a rep­re­sen­ta­tive to acti­vate the New Free­dom Plan 225 on your cur­rent pre­paid SIM card.

Etisalat to Etisalat Call Charges

Here are the stan­dard rates and charges for Eti­salat to Eti­salat calls and Inter­na­tion­al calls.

  • AED 0.38 per minute — With­out Pack­age
  • AED 0.14/min — With 30 Local Min­utes call pack­age


Eti­salat users in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates can make local calls with­in the coun­try using their call pack­ages. These pack­ages typ­i­cal­ly allow users to call any phone num­ber with­in the UAE, includ­ing land­lines and mobile num­bers.

Whether you’re reach­ing out to friends, fam­i­ly, or busi­ness con­tacts, Eti­salat ensures that you can stay con­nect­ed local­ly with their com­pre­hen­sive call pack­ages. Please note that spe­cif­ic details and rates may vary depend­ing on the pack­age and any ongo­ing pro­mo­tions.

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