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How to Buy Cheap Wifi Plans — Wifi Business Guide in UAE

UAE Residents can Double Their Income with WIFI Services

Peo­ple resid­ing in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates can increase their income by offer­ing Wi-Fi ser­vices. Many peo­ple are already doing this work, but those who are unaware of this oppor­tu­ni­ty can enhance their earn­ings with the help of this post.

There are two major inter­net ser­vice providers in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, among which are Eti­salat and Du. Eti­salat is slight­ly more expen­sive, but its ser­vices are excel­lent, con­trary to Du, which offers bud­get-friend­ly pack­ages with good ser­vices.

Eti­salat is not avail­able every­where, so anoth­er com­pa­ny has been intro­duced under the name Five. Du also did not lag behind and estab­lished its own com­pa­ny under the name Vir­gin Mobile. If you live in the UAE, you may know about these com­pa­nies, or you may won­der to read about these com­pa­nies’ own­ers. Vir­gin Mobile UAE is the MVNO by Du and Five is the MVNO by Eti­salat UAE.

Many peo­ple come to work in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates and arrange accom­mo­da­tion with a room. In many places, inter­net ser­vices are not avail­able, so peo­ple use the inter­net of these com­pa­nies.

You can also earn extra income by doing the same. For this, you need to install inter­net ser­vices in your room. By doing this, you can charge a spe­cif­ic month­ly amount from each indi­vid­ual. From the com­pa­ny, you can pur­chase unlim­it­ed inter­net and pro­vide it to peo­ple on a month­ly rent through Wi-Fi ser­vices. It is a good way, and there are no restric­tions on it.

Best Home and Office Wi-Fi packages and Internet Providers

Here are the lat­est prices and home inter­net pack­ages in UAE:

Eti­salat UAE: The eLife unlim­it­ed plan costs AED 389 per month with a down­load speed of 250Mbps. This pack­age comes with Basic TV and free land­line calls. You can share this con­nec­tion with more than 15 peo­ple and can get a fee accord­ing to your con­nec­tion. It is not a sin­gle pack­age, there are too many pack­ages avail­able.

Eti­salat Home Inter­net pack­ages

Du UAE: Home unlim­it­ed plan costs 199 AED per month with a 100Mbps down­load speed. This plan does not come with free TV chan­nels, some pack­ages have free land­line calls. Before get­ting the Du pack­age, you can call to Du helpline or vis­it the Du cen­ter.

Du Inter­net Pack­ages

Vir­gin UAE: As I told you above Vir­gin Mobile is an MVNO com­pa­ny, that pro­vides an unlim­it­ed data plan with a 100Mbps con­nec­tion and 299 AED per month. You can buy and order the new con­nec­tion at your home and office by using the Vir­gin Mobile UAE web­site and order­ing the con­nec­tion online.

Vir­gin Inter­net Pack­ages

These pack­ages can be acti­vat­ed by call­ing their cus­tomer sup­port and vis­it­ing the office. We also have added all ISP inter­net pack­ages on this web­site which you can see and can get accord­ing to your bud­get, and speed.

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