Posted inDu UAE / SIM Guide

How to Deactivate Du Data Bundles — Step by Step Guide

How to Deactivate Data Bundle in DU

Du is the most wide­ly used telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions net­work in the UAE and is most­ly used due to its cheap inter­net and call plans. The Du dai­ly data bun­dle is an amaz­ing offer that costs between AED 2 and AED 3. This bun­dle offers 60 MB of dai­ly data for 24 hours, which is auto­mat­i­cal­ly renewed every day. If you do not can­cel this bun­dle, it will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly sub­scribed to dai­ly. In this post, we will guide you on how to deac­ti­vate the dai­ly data bun­dle in Du.

Du has launched many more offers like this, which are auto­mat­i­cal­ly acti­vat­ed the next day. If you don’t need this pack­age, then it should be deac­ti­vat­ed from your account; oth­er­wise, Du will deduct 2 AED the next day.

How to Deactivate Data Bundle in DU

There are dif­fer­ent meth­ods to deac­ti­vate the dai­ly data bun­dle in DU. Many new users are not aware of these offers that are sub­scribed to on their SIM, which is drop­ping their bal­ance. Like the Du 2 AED, 3 AED, 4 AED, 2.5 AED, 5.25 AED, or dai­ly 60 MB inter­net offer, when a user sub­scribes to it, it gets renewed auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Here is com­plete infor­ma­tion about Du Data Bun­dle unsub­scrip­tion meth­ods and codes.

  1. Send “Stop Data” to 1355 (You will be unsub­scribed from all active bun­dles)
  2. Dial *137*7# to deac­ti­vate the dai­ly data bun­dle
  3. Use the Du app > Man­age > Bun­dles > Unsub­scribe
  4. Send “STOPALL” to 9000 (You will be unsub­scribed from all active ser­vices and bun­dles.)

How to deactivate Du Daily Data Package 2 AED 60MB?

We know that DU’s dai­ly 60MB data pack­age is a most­ly used and afford­able bun­dle. If you have sub­scribed to this bun­dle once, DU will renew it dai­ly, which will deduct AED 2 from your bal­ance. Most of the ben­e­fits of this pack­age are that you don’t get charged for data usage with­out an inter­net pack­age.

Because you get 60 MB of data per day with this pack­age, you can browse eas­i­ly. But if you don’t use the inter­net at all, then you should unsub­scribe. There are dif­fer­ent ways to unsub­scribe from data pack­ages that you can choose accord­ing to your pref­er­ence.

Method 1: Using USSD Codes

  • Open the dial-pad and dial *135*6#
  • When you get the prompt, choose the option that says “Deac­ti­vate”.
  • Your 2 AED/60 MB bun­dle will be deac­ti­vat­ed

Method 2:

  1. Dial *135*7#.
  2. Select option 5 for “Data offers.”
  3. Choose option 3 for “Dai­ly data bun­dles.”
  4. Select option 1 for “Dai­ly data bun­dles.”
  5. Choose option 2 to unsub­scribe from the cur­rent bun­dles.
  6. Con­firm the deac­ti­va­tion by select­ing option 1.

Method 3: Using Du App

Du Data bundle check method

Using the app is a great way to deac­ti­vate the inter­net pack­age. If you use the DU app, you can sub­scribe to or unsub­scribe from any of your ser­vices. It is absolute­ly free.

  1. Open the Du app on your Android or iPhone
  2. Tap on the “My Account” tab
  3. The sec­tion “Data Bal­ance” will appear, after which you have to select “Dai­ly Data Bun­dle.”
  4. Tap on the “Deac­ti­vate” but­ton
  5. Deac­ti­vate” will appear again to con­firm; tap on it
  6. You will receive a con­fir­ma­tion SMS of bun­dle deac­ti­va­tion

Method 4: Deactivate Du Data Bundle by Sending an SMS

Here are three meth­ods that you can use to deac­ti­vate Du data bun­dles:

  • Write “STOP DATA” and send it to 1355.
  • Send “CDP2″ to 1012.
  • Send “QUITDO” to 5050.

Method 5: Unsubscribe Through WhatsApp

You can unsub­scribe from the dai­ly data bun­dle using What­sApp. Here are the steps to do this:

  • Open What­sApp and write a new chat to Du’s What­sApp num­ber, 0582428268
  • Write “UNSUB DAILY DATA” and send it
  • Your cur­rent active dai­ly inter­net data pack­age will be unsub­scribed and you will be informed through an SMS
  • You will not get a refund for unused data bun­dles

Method 6: Unsubscribe by calling the helpline

You can call 155 and ask the cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive to unsub­scribe from the Du dai­ly data bun­dle. They will con­firm your request, and with­in a few sec­onds, you will be unsub­scribed from the dai­ly inter­net plan. You can also unsub­scribe to Du 1GB per day pack­age using the same process.

Deactivate Du Daily 3 AED Data Package

All the above-giv­en meth­ods can be used to unsub­scribe from the 3 AED dai­ly data pack­age of 100MB. If you can’t, you can use this method too.

  • Dial *055*777# from your phone
  • Reply with the appro­pri­ate “Dai­ly Data bun­dle” num­ber
  • See the “deac­ti­vate” num­ber and reply with this
  • This bun­dle will be unsub­scribed imme­di­ate­ly from your SIM

There are also addi­tion­al DU pack­ages that come with lim­it­less data for usage with the Botim and CME apps. If you have sub­scribed to this bun­dle, you can eas­i­ly unsub­scribe by using the above-giv­en meth­ods. If no method is work­ing, you can sim­ply send “STOPALL” to 9000.


What hap­pens when I deac­ti­vate my data bun­dle?

When you deac­ti­vate any data bun­dle, you will be unable to use the inter­net until you sub­scribe to anoth­er pack­age. While using the inter­net with­out a bun­dle, the stan­dard rates will be applied.

Can I reac­ti­vate my data bun­dle after I deac­ti­vate it?

Yes, you can reac­ti­vate the data bun­dle after deac­ti­vat­ing it. To do so, you have to resub­scribe using the same method.

I have a recur­ring data bun­dle. Will it still renew after I deac­ti­vate it?

No. You have to sub­scribe to anoth­er data pack­age.

One thought on “How to Deactivate Du Data Bundles — Step by Step Guide

  1. Du data auto­mat­i­cal­ly sub­scribed on each 12 date. My all bal­ance start drop­ping but now, i have fixed it using this guide.

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