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Etisalat eLife Internet Packages and Wifi Plans for Home

Etisalat eLife Internet Packages - best wifi plans

Look­ing for Eti­salat eLife inter­net pack­ages? Here is the com­plete guide, reviews, and meth­ods to get it for your home, or office. Whether you’re a casu­al inter­net user, a ded­i­cat­ed gamer, or a work-from-home pro­fes­sion­al, eLife pro­vides amaz­ing high-speed inter­net and val­ue-added ser­vices. In this pack­age, we will explore the Eti­salat eLife inter­net pack­ages, fea­tures, and prices and com­pare the plans.

What are the different Etisalat eLife internet packages?

eLife is a dif­fer­ent plan from a local inter­net plan because it’s spe­cial­ly designed for homes and offices. This plan has many fea­tures like unlim­it­ed inter­net, TV chan­nels, free land­line calls, and free add-ons accord­ing to the user’s select­ed pack­age and needs.

Eti­salat eLife plans are designed to ful­fil all the needs of cus­tomers. All their plans offer the fastest and qui­etest inter­net, along with val­ue-added ser­vices. Eti­salat eLife plans offer a vari­ety of val­ue-added ser­vices, such as free inter­na­tion­al calls, pre­mi­um TV chan­nels, and the Inter­net. There are dif­fer­ent types of eLife plans: no com­mit­ment, 12-month con­tracts, and 24-month con­tracts.

Etisalat eLife Internet Packages: No Commitment

Pack­agePriceInter­netTV Chan­nels
Ultra StarterAED 454500Mbps187+ HDTV
Ultra enter­tain­mentAED 664750Mbps236+ Pre­mi­um
Ultra SportsAED 540750Mbps262+ HD Tv
Ultra FusionAED 8401Gbps300+ HD Tv
Unlim­it­ed StarterAED 409500Mbps262+ Sports Chan­nels
Unlim­it­ed SportsAED 485500Mbps236+ Pre­mi­um TV
Unlim­it­ed Enter­tain­mentAED 619500Mbps236+ Pre­mi­um TV
  • Prices of these plans are 5% VAT exclud­ed
  • Cus­tomers can get these offers with no com­mit­ment
  • Free unlim­it­ed calls to UAE land­line

Cus­tomers can acti­vate eLife plans with­out a con­tract by just order­ing them online or by going to Eti­salat retail­ers. Eti­salat’s no-con­tract eLife plans are avail­able with dif­fer­ent options for Gamers, home use with free TV, and work­ing at home. All the plans have great speeds for indi­vid­u­als and house­holds up to 500 Mbps, includ­ing free TV chan­nels.

If you apply for any of the giv­en con­nec­tions, you will get a free home TV line, an Inter­net WIFI router, and a reg­u­lar TV box. You can call any land­line num­ber for free and unlim­it­ed­ly, using any giv­en plan. Here are the com­plete details of each plan, includ­ing prices and fea­tures.

Etisalat home eLife packages

eLife Ultra Starter

eLife Ultra Starter
RentAED 454
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
200+ TV Chan­nels

Eti­salat eLife Ultra Starter’s month­ly charges are AED 454.00 and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 500 Mbps speed. In this plan, 200+ TV chan­nels are includ­ed, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone. Calls from a land­line to a mobile phone incur a rate of 0.30 Fils per minute, exclud­ing a 5% VAT charge.

With Life Ultra Starter, you can call any land­line in the UAE from your home land­line for free, regard­less of how long the call is. The only excep­tions are calls to pre­mi­um num­bers, such as 199 num­bers. With a WiFi router, you can con­nect more than 25 devices at the same time.

There is no instal­la­tion fee for a new con­nec­tion. Just pay the month­ly charges of AED 454 exclud­ing 5% VAT and get your con­nec­tion with­in 2 days.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast inter­net speed of up to 500 Mbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • Free speed boosts up to 1 Gbps for a lim­it­ed time
  • 200+ Basic Tv Chan­nels

Ultra Entertainment

eLife Enter­tain­ment
RentAED 664
Ben­e­fits750 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
236+ TV Chan­nels

eLife Enter­tain­men­t’s Plan month­ly charges are AED 664.00 exclud­ing 5% VAT and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 750 Mbps speed. In this plan, 236+ TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment chan­nels like OSN El Farq are includ­ed, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone. Calls from a land­line to a mobile phone incur a rate of 0.30 Fils per minute, exclud­ing a 5% VAT charge.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast inter­net speed of up to 750 Mbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • Free speed boosts up to 1 Gbps for a lim­it­ed time
  • 236+ Basic TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um chan­nels
  • Free OSN and Starz­play

eLife Ultra Sports

eLife Ultra Sports
RentAED 540
Ben­e­fits750 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
262+ TV Chan­nels

Eti­salat eLife Ultra Sport­s’s Plan month­ly charges are AED 540.00 exclud­ing 5% VAT and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 750 Mbps speed. In this plan, 262+ TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment chan­nels like Starz­play and Criclife are includ­ed, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone.

The plan comes with a free Are­na eLife Con­troller to give you unlim­it­ed access to over 70+ pre­mi­um-grade PC and con­sole games in HD qual­i­ty. You can also boost your inter­net speed to 1 Gbps for free.

The Eti­salat Ultra Sports plan is great for peo­ple who love sports and need a speedy and depend­able inter­net con­nec­tion at home. Because instal­la­tion is free, you can get the con­nec­tion any­time for 1 month.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast down­load­ing speed of up to 750 Mbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • A spe­cial num­ber
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • Free speed boosts up to 1 Gbps for a lim­it­ed time
  • 262+ Basic TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um chan­nels
  • Free Criclife and Starz­play

eLife Ultra Fusion

eLife Ultra Starter
RentAED 840
Ben­e­fits1 Gbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
300+ TV Chan­nels

Eti­salat eLife Ultra Fusion Plan month­ly charges are AED 840.00 exclud­ing 5% VAT and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 1 Gbps speed. In this plan, 300+ TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment chan­nels like El Farq, OSN, Starz­play, and Criclife are includ­ed, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone. Unlim­it­ed access to pre­mi­um-grade PC and con­sole games and Free Ama­zon video and Gam­ing are includ­ed.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast down­load­ing speed of up to 1Gbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • A spe­cial num­ber
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • 300+ HD TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um chan­nels
  • Free OSN, Criclife and Starz­play
  • Free Ama­zon prime

Unlimited Starter

eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter
RentAED 409
Ben­e­fits250 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
187+ TV Chan­nels

Unlim­it­ed Starter Plan month­ly charges are AED 409.00, exclud­ing 5% VAT, and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 250 Mbps speed. This plan includes 187+ HD TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment chan­nels, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • 187+ HD TV chan­nels

Unlimited Sports

eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter
RentAED 485
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
262+ TV Chan­nels

Unlim­it­ed Sports Plan month­ly charges are AED 485.00, exclud­ing 5% VAT, and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 500 Mbps speed. This plan includes 262+ TV chan­nels, a WiFi router, a 4K TV Box, and a home tele­phone. There are many add-on sports TV chan­nels avail­able that cus­tomers can get on request.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast down­load­ing speed of up to 500 Mbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • 262+ HD TV chan­nels

Unlimited Entertainment

eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter
RentAED 619
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
236+ TV Chan­nels

Unlim­it­ed Enter­tain­ment Plan month­ly charges are AED 619.00, exclud­ing 5% VAT, and pro­vide unlim­it­ed inter­net at 500 Mbps speed. In this plan, 236+ TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment chan­nels like OSN, Starz­play, and Criclife are includ­ed, along with a WiFi router, 4K TV Box, and home tele­phone.


  • No Com­mit­ment
  • Fast down­load­ing speed of up to 500 Mbps
  • Free 4K TV box, home tele­phone and Wi-Fi router once every two years
  • Free Instal­la­tion
  • Free Land­line call­ing in the UAE
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net
  • 236+ HD TV chan­nels and Pre­mi­um chan­nels
  • Free OSN and Starz­play

Etisalat eLife Internet Packages: 12 Months Contract

eLife 12AED 299Unlim­it­ed @12 MbpseLife On
eLife 25AED 399Unlim­it­ed @25 MbpseLife On
eLife 50AED 599Unlim­it­ed @50 MbpseLife On
eLife 100AED 749Unlim­it­ed @100 MbpseLife On

If you buy these ser­vices on a 12-month con­tract, you can get a lot of ben­e­fits. With this, the com­pa­ny also bun­dles you with Ama­zon Pre­mi­um and pre­mi­um TV chan­nels for a few months at a dis­count. If you want to add any add-ons, you get a good dis­count on that too.

At the end of 12 months, you have to renew the plan again if you want; oth­er­wise, you have to pay AED 20+ per month extra with no con­tract plan.

Etisalat eLife Internet Packages: 24-Month Contract Plans

eLife Fam­i­lyAED 359100Mbps
eLife SportsAED 435100Mbps
eLife Enter­tain­mentAED 569100Mbps
Unlim­it­ed SportsAED 465500Mbps
Unlim­it­ed Enter­tain­mentAED 599500Mbps
Unlim­it­ed StarterAED 389250Mbps
Unlim­it­ed FusionAED 8151Gbps
Ultra SportAED 515750Mbps
Ultra Enter­tain­mentAED 639750Mbps
Ultra StarterAED 299500Mbps

24-month con­tract plans include free and pre­mi­um TV chan­nels Like OSN, Starz­Play, and more add-ons. Here are all the plans giv­en, which you can sub­scribe to accord­ing to your needs by vis­it­ing the Eti­salat office.

With the Eti­salat eLife plan, you will get a WiFi device, a phone device, and an HD TV box. Apart from this, the com­pa­ny will not charge you instal­la­tion charges, which are up to 50 AED. Anoth­er advan­tage of 24-month con­tract pack­ages is that you have to pay a fixed month­ly fee for a longer peri­od.

The prob­lem faced by users with­out a con­tract is that they get a change in plan price every month, but on a con­tract, you have to pay a fixed fee for the full 24 months. The com­pa­ny will not charge you any addi­tion­al fees until the end of the con­tract. If you want to get the con­nec­tion again after the end of the con­tract at the same price, you have to noti­fy 800 101 before the end of the con­tract and sign the con­tract again.

eLife Family

RentAED 359
Ben­e­fits100 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
150+ TV Chan­nels

If you want a home con­nec­tion that includes TV as well as high-speed inter­net, you must review Eti­salat’s fam­i­ly plan. This plan is priced at AED 359 for a 24-month com­mit­ment. If you want the fastest inter­net, then with this plan you will get a down­load speed of 100 Mbps and an upload speed of 40 Mbps, which will be unlim­it­ed.

With this plan, you will get one TV box with basic TV chan­nels, 200+ air TV chan­nels, one Inter­net Wi-Fi router, and one wire­less phone. With this wire­less phone, you can make unlim­it­ed land­line-to-land­line calls with add-ons like Wise Mail­box and Caller ID. If you are look­ing for the Eti­salat elife home inter­net pack­ages then this is the option.

eLife Sports

eLife Sports
RentAED 435
Ben­e­fits100 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
120+ TV Chan­nels


  • Sports Pre­mi­um Chan­nels
  • Upto to 100 Mbps down­load speed and 40 Mbps upload speed
  • Unlim­it­ed land­line-to-land­line calls

eLife Entertainment

eLife Enter­tain­ment
RentAED 569
Ben­e­fits100 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
100+ OSN Pre­mi­um Chan­nels


  • Pre­mi­um TV Chan­nels OSN, StarPlay
  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net at 100Mbps down­load speed
  • Unlim­it­ed land­line-to-land­line calls

eLife Unlimited Sports

eLife Unlim­it­ed Sports
RentAED 465
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
262+ TV Chan­nels


  • Unlim­it­ed Inter­net at @500Mbps Speed
  • Free, unlim­it­ed land­line calls
  • 262+ free TV chan­nels
  • Free HD TV Box, WIFI Router and a phone for home

eLife Unlimited Entertainment

eLife Unlim­it­ed Enter­tain­ment
RentAED 599
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
236+ Pre­mi­um Enter­tain­ment, OSN TV Chan­nels


  • Unlim­it­ed Land­line calls from home land­line
  • Free OSN and Starz­Play
  • 236+ pre­mi­um enter­tain­ment chan­nels
  • Unlim­it­ed inter­net at @500Mbps down­load speed

eLife Unlimited Starter

eLife Unlim­it­ed Starter
RentAED 389
Ben­e­fits250 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
187+ TV Chan­nels


  • The best plan for starters is a 24-month com­mit­ment
  • Unlim­it­ed inter­net at @250Mbps speed
  • 187 Basic TV chan­nels plus add-ons (option­al)
  • Unlim­it­ed Land­line calls

eLife Ultra Fusion

eLife Ultra Fusion
RentAED 815
Ben­e­fits1 Gbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
300+ HD TV Chan­nels


  • Free pre­mi­um chan­nels OSN, Starz­Play, Criclife, Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime and Smile
  • 300+ HD TV Chan­nels
  • Unlim­it­ed High-speed inter­net at 1Gbps down­load speed
  • Free Home TV Box, WIFI router and wire­less phone

eLife Ultra Sports

eLife Ultra Sports
RentAED 515
Ben­e­fits750 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
262+ TV Chan­nels


  • Starz­Play, Criclife, and Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime and Smile
  • High-Speed inter­net @750Mbps down­load speed
  • Free TV Box, wire­less phone, and 262+ HD TV Chan­nels
  • Unlim­it­ed land­line calls and inter­net

eLife Ultra Entertainment

eLife Ultra Enter­tain­ment
RentAED 639
Ben­e­fits750 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
236+ Pre­mi­um Chan­nels


  • Starz­Play, OSN, Pre­mi­um Ama­zon Prime and Smile
  • High-Speed inter­net @750Mbps down­load speed
  • Free TV Box, wire­less phone, and 236+ Pre­mi­um TV Chan­nels
  • Unlim­it­ed land­line calls and inter­net

eLife Ultra Starter

eLife Ultra Starter
RentAED 299
Ben­e­fits500 Mbps unlim­it­ed inter­net
Unlim­it­ed Land­line Calls
187+ TV Chan­nels


  • Pre­mi­um Chan­nels Starz­Play, Prime and Smile
  • High-speed inter­net @500Mbps down­load speed
  • Free TV Box, wire­less phone, and 187+ HD TV Chan­nels
  • Free Air TV Chan­nels
  • Unlim­it­ed land­line calls and inter­net

How to Buy an Etisalat eLife Internet Package

You can buy any giv­en eLife inter­net pack­age by vis­it­ing the Eti­salat store or apply­ing online (Min­i­mum AED 199). You can get this con­nec­tion for your home, or office. Eti­salat pro­vides this ser­vice to all res­i­dents of the UAE. You can eas­i­ly get this con­nec­tion at home by fol­low­ing the giv­en pro­ce­dure.

Via the Etisalat website and App

  1. Fil­ter, Com­pare and Select any giv­en plan from
  2. Go to or the app and add your select­ed plan to the cart.
  3. Enter your address, full name, and mobile num­ber
  4. Enter your card details and pay the fee
  5. The Eti­salat team will con­tact you to install phone, inter­net, and TV con­nec­tions at your pro­vid­ed address.

Call Etisalat Helpline

  1. Call the Eti­salat helpline at 800 101
  2. Tell the cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive about your select­ed pack­age to acti­vate it
  3. A cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive will ask you to pro­vide com­plete infor­ma­tion about you like your name, address, phone num­ber, etc
  4. The cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive will process your order and pro­vide you with an order track­ing num­ber
  5. In 24 hours, Eti­salat will send the team to your address to install the con­nec­tion

Visit Etisalat Store

If you don’t want to take oth­er steps, vis­it­ing an Eti­salat store is the best option. You can get the lat­est infor­ma­tion about your select­ed Eti­salat eLife plan from the store and can get the con­nec­tion in a few hours. Eti­salat staff will help you select the best plan accord­ing to your needs and bud­get. I will rec­om­mend that you go to the Eti­salat office direct­ly if it is locat­ed near you. Here is the guide to apply­ing for a con­nec­tion:

  1. Go to the Eti­salat store
  2. Tell the staff about your needs and bud­get, If you have select­ed a plan already then show them
  3. A sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive will give you com­plete details like prices, con­tracts, and pol­i­cy
  4. Pro­vide your name, Iden­ti­ty (or Emi­rates ID), address and phone num­ber to a Sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive
  5. They will fill out a form for a new con­nec­tion and give you an order con­fir­ma­tion num­ber
  6. You will also receive your order con­fir­ma­tion SMS on your pro­vid­ed mobile num­ber
  7. They will install the con­nec­tion with­in 24 hours after order con­fir­ma­tion

How much time will it take Eti­salat to install a new eLife Con­nec­tion?

Accord­ing to Eti­salat, an eLife con­nec­tion will be installed with­in 24 hours after order con­fir­ma­tion. It can also take a long time, depend­ing on the user’s loca­tion.

Requirements to get a new Connection

You may need these things to get the Eti­salat eLife con­nec­tion.

  • Res­i­den­tial ID or Emi­rates ID
  • Con­tact Num­ber
  • Proof of address or Bill
  • For vis­i­tors: Con­tract or Salary Slip, Emi­rates ID or Pass­port
  • For res­i­den­tial: Util­i­ty Bill Copy of Emi­rates ID

You can vis­it the Eti­salat store and get the lat­est infor­ma­tion about new con­nec­tion require­ments accord­ing to your plan.

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