Posted inBest Of / WIFI & Guide

11 Best Malls to Use Free Wi-Fi in Dubai

Dubai in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates is a city that is always on the move whether it is day or night. Whether you are trav­el­ling, there for busi­ness or liv­ing, you need to stay online on social net­works. With this, you can always stay con­nect­ed with your loved ones, friends and rel­a­tives.

There are many places in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates where free Wi-Fi is avail­able whether you are in a restau­rant, a park, at the air­port or a restau­rant. Free Wi-Fi is always the first thing to look for after arriv­ing in Dubai, because of not hav­ing a work­ing SIM card. If you want to try your luck on your mobile phone while you have free Wi-Fi, try an Online casi­no Malaysia. Good luck!

Today we will tell you some pop­u­lar places that have free Wi-Fi and also cov­er how to find free Wi-Fi in Dubai.

11 Best Malls to Use Free Wi-Fi in Dubai

There are many shop­ping malls in Dubai or oth­er cities that we and you all vis­it all the time. Every major mall has a free Wi-Fi ser­vice so that cus­tomers can always stay con­nect­ed. Here are some famous malls where you can vis­it and use free Wi-Fi.

1. Dubai Mall

This mall in Dubai is the largest shop­ping mall in the world where free Wi-Fi is avail­able. It has more than 1200 shops, 150 restau­rants and a large aquar­i­um. This mall is locat­ed next to Burj Khal­i­fa, where many rich peo­ple of the world come for shop­ping.

If you go here for shop­ping, you will get to use free Wi-Fi named “Dubai Mall by Emaar”. Con­nect your mobile phone or lap­top with it and fol­low the instruc­tions to use the inter­net. As long as you are in the Dubai Mall, your Wi-Fi will con­tin­ue to work. In the mall, var­i­ous types of repeaters are installed which pro­vide full sig­nals to each cor­ner of the mall.

2. Mall of the Emirates

The Mall of the Emi­rates is the sec­ond-largest shop­ping mall in the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates with more than 900 shops and 100 restau­rants. Free Wi-Fi is avail­able at the Mall of the Emi­rates, called “Free_Mall_Wifi”.

This is a pub­lic Wi-Fi net­work that can be used by any­one. The free Wi-Fi here is pro­vid­ed with lim­it­ed band­width which means you can’t use much data, so when you vis­it here, use only as much data as you need.

The mall is open from 10 am to 10 pm and is locat­ed on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai. The best way to get to the Mall of the Emi­rates is to take the Dubai Metro. Get off at Mall of the Emi­rates sta­tion on the Red Line. You can also take a taxi or bus.

3. Dubai Festival City Mall

Dubai Fes­ti­val City Mall is open every day of the week from 10 am to 12 pm and offers free Wi-Fi. A Wi-Fi net­work is broad­cast through­out the mall area under the name “Dubai Fes­ti­val City Mall Wi-Fi”. Maybe the mall man­age­ment changed its name but every time I vis­it­ed there, I got the same name.

There is no pass­word asso­ci­at­ed with it, you just have to con­nect it and use WiFi. Dubai Fes­ti­val City Mal­l’s free Wi-Fi is only avail­able inside the mall.

4. WAFI Mall

WAFI Mall is a great place for fam­i­ly, friends or solo trav­ellers. It offers some­thing for every­one. The mall has high-speed wire­less inter­net which you can con­nect to by get­ting the pass­word from the staff in the mall.

Inter­net may be lim­it­ed so must ask staff before using it for high-band­width pur­pos­es. You can use the inter­net with­in the mall or in the ground. After suc­cess­ful­ly con­nect­ing to WIFI, you can use it all day with­out any has­sle.

5. Ibn Battuta Mall

Free Wi-Fi is avail­able at Ibn Bat­tuta Mall Dubai to con­nect to which, if nec­es­sary, enter the net­work pass­word. The pass­word is usu­al­ly post­ed at the cus­tomer ser­vice desk of the mall.

Many peo­ple say that they get lim­it­ed inter­net while some say that the free Wi-Fi is unlim­it­ed. How­ev­er, the inter­net speed here is 10Mbps which will help you a lot for social and web brows­ing.

6. Mercato Shopping Mall:

Mer­ca­to Shop­ping Mall is a Euro­pean-style shop­ping mall in Dubai with more than 200 shops and 50 restau­rants. There is also absolute­ly free wire­less inter­net here.

The Wi-Fi net­work name is “Mar­ca­to Mall Free Wi-Fi” and its pass­word is “Marcato1234″. If you are fac­ing any dif­fi­cul­ty while con­nect­ing to the WI-FI feel free to ask to help desk.

7. Town Centre Jumeirah:

The mall is known for its local atmos­phere and fam­i­ly activ­i­ties, with over 250 shops and 75 restau­rants. Wi-Fi speeds are gen­er­al­ly good, and cov­er­age is avail­able with repeaters in most mall areas. How­ev­er, espe­cial­ly dur­ing rush hours, speeds can be slow.

There is a spe­cial dis­count for vis­i­tors, if you are a first-time vis­i­tor, you can take full advan­tage of it. You can use the inter­net by con­nect­ing your mobile phone or lap­top to the “Dubai Mall Free Wi-Fi” net­work.

8. Mirdif City Centre:

Mirdif City Cen­tre is very pop­u­lar in Dubai main­ly because of its pre­mi­um ser­vices. you can access free Wi-Fi from your mobile device or lap­top in every cor­ner of the mall. The net­work name is “Merdif City Cen­tre” and no pass­word is required to con­nect.

9. The Pointe:

The Pointe is a water­front shop­ping and enter­tain­ment cen­ter with over 80 shops and 30 restau­rants. In this mall, you can run free Wi-Fi after con­nect­ing to their Wi-Fi net­work named “The_Pointe”. There is good cov­er­age on the ground floor, first floor, sec­ond floor, third floor, food court, and recre­ation area.

10. Dubai Marina Mall

Dubai Mari­na Mall is pro­vid­ing high-speed wire­less inter­net ser­vices to cus­tomers for free. When you arrive at Dubai Mari­na Mall, con­nect to “Free Wifi — U By Emaar” which is avail­able on each floor and cor­ner of the Mall.

You won’t need to enter a pass­word to con­nect to the net­work. If you are hav­ing trou­ble con­nect­ing to Wi-Fi, you can con­tact the mal­l’s cus­tomer ser­vice desk.

11. City Centre Deira:

City Cen­ter Dera is a large and pop­u­lar shop­ping mall which is open from 10:00 am – to 10:00 pm on Week­days and from 10:00 am – to mid­night on week­ends.

It has more than 300 shops and 70 restau­rants includ­ing one Cen­i­ma. You can access the free Wi-Fi net­work “Free_Mall_WiFi” at var­i­ous loca­tions in the mall, includ­ing stores, restau­rants and com­mon areas.

Finally Free WI-FI in the Mall of Dubai

I have shown you all the shop­ping malls, you can use free wifi in any of them. Each prop­er­ty has its poli­cies and pro­ce­dures, many of which lim­it Wi-Fi. In Dubai, you get free wire­less inter­net at every mall that every vis­i­tor can con­nect and use.1

If you want to find free inter­net in places oth­er than these malls, you can install the Free Wi-Fi app. With the help of these apps, you can eas­i­ly find all the free Wi-Fi net­works across the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. This is an excel­lent method that is being used by mil­lions of peo­ple.

Always try to use a VPN when using free Wi-Fi in pub­lic places. Do not share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion like account num­bers, pass­words etc at all. In the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates, you can also get free inter­net from DU, and Eti­salat, but for that, you must have a SIM card there. If you face any prob­lem like no Wi-Fi con­nec­tion etc, you can get help from the mall staff.

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