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Virgin UAE Tourist SIM Card — Plans and Prices or Buying Guide

Virgin Mobile tourist sim card

While trav­el­ling to Dubai or UAE any place, you may need a tourist sim card. If you do not know the Vir­gin Tourist sim card plans and pack­ages, here is the com­plete infor­ma­tion about sim card prices, pack­ages and offers of inter­net, call­ing, inter­na­tion­al and roam­ing plans. our com­par­i­son tables can help you select the best SIM card in UAE accord­ing to your needs.

Vir­gin Mobile UAE tourist SIM card price starts from AED 50 includ­ing VAT which is avail­able in all cities. If you have an Emi­rates ID then you can order it online while at home before land­ing in UAE.

Virgin UAE Visitor plans

First of all, we will show you the vis­i­tor plans that you can call the tourist sim plans. Vir­gin SIM card prices in UAE start from AED 50. Here are the com­plete details one by one:

PriceDataLocal & Int’lValid­i­ty
AED 50---
AED 15021GB (3GB/Day)30 Local & 20 Int’l Min & SMS7 Days
AED 20040GB (4GB/Day)30 Local & 20 Int’l Min & SMS10 Days
AED 30075GB (5GB/Day)30 Local & 20 Int’l Min & SMS15 Days
AED 300Unlim­it­ed30 Local & 20 Int’l Min & SMS10 Days
  • Prices of all SIM cards include 5% VAT.

Vir­gin is pro­vid­ing the 21GB data pack­age to tourists on high-speed 5G. To use the 5G ser­vices, you may have a 5 G‑enabled or sup­port­ed device. We have pro­vid­ed you with all the pack­ages for trav­ellers but now, you will ask for more inter­net pack­ages from Vir­gin.

Vir­gin has planned to pro­vide all-in-one plans to vis­i­tors in Dubai. Its pack­ages are valid for 7 days, 10 days, and 15 days that can be extend­ed by recharg­ing only. This is a Sub-com­pa­ny of Du UAE which is the largest tele­com oper­a­tor in UAE. All the Dubai sims are 5G enabled and have the high­est inter­net speed more than 332 Mbps.

In all plans of Vir­gin UAE, the com­pa­ny has offered 20 inter­na­tion­al min­utes and SMS and 30 local min­utes and SMS. The valid­i­ty, prices and inter­net data are dif­fer­ent from each oth­er.

Virgin 7 Days Tourist SIM Plan

This SIM card includes a week­ly plan with 30 local min­utes, SMS, 20 inter­na­tion­al call min­utes and SMS, and 21GB data, which will be used 3GB dai­ly. The data will be reset each mid­night whether cus­tomers have used or not these Mbs.

SIM card is includ­ed so, we can say that it is free. You can con­tin­ue using it after recharge when its plan will end in 7 days.


  • Price: AED 150 Includ­ing 5% VAT
  • Inter­net: 21GB (3GB per day)
  • Local Calls: 30 min­utes
  • Local SMS: 30 SMS
  • Inter­na­tion­al Calls: 20 Min­utes
  • Inter­na­tion­al SMS: 20 SMS

10 Days Tourist SIM Plan

Those peo­ple who come to Dubai for 10 days can use the long­time expiry tourist SIM card in UAE. It costs AED 200 for one time per 10 days. After buy­ing this sim card includ­ing the plan, cus­tomers will get 40GB of data (4GB per day), 30 local min­utes & SMS and 20 inter­na­tion­al min­utes and SMS.


  • Price: AED 200 Includ­ing 5% VAT
  • Inter­net: 40GB (4GB per day)
  • Local Calls: 30 min­utes
  • Local SMS: 30 SMS
  • Inter­na­tion­al Calls: 20 Min­utes
  • Inter­na­tion­al SMS: 20 SMS

10 Days Unlimited Tourist Plan

if you need more data you can con­tin­ue with this plan. It comes with unlim­it­ed high-speed 5G enabled data, 30 local min­utes & SMS and 20 inter­na­tion­al min­utes and SMS. The price of this pack­age includ­ing a free sim card is AED 300 valid for 10 days.


  • Price: AED 300 Includ­ing 5% VAT
  • Inter­net: Unlim­it­ed
  • Local Calls: 30 min­utes
  • Local SMS: 30 SMS
  • Inter­na­tion­al Calls: 20 Min­utes
  • Inter­na­tion­al SMS: 20 SMS

15 Days Tourist SIM Plan

Log­time expiry SIM card in UAE is AED 300 for Vir­gin 5G net­work which can be pur­chased online and from any air­port. Cus­tomers can book a SIM card online and on arrival, they can get it from any store, or air­port and can get to the pro­vid­ed address with­in 60 min­utes.

Vir­gin 15 days sim card comes with 75GB (5GB per day) high-speed 5G enabled data, 30 local min­utes & SMS and 20 inter­na­tion­al min­utes and SMS. The price of this pack­age includ­ing a free sim card is AED 300 valid for 15 days.


  • Price: AED 300 Includ­ing 5% VAT
  • Inter­net: 75GB (5GB per day)
  • Local Calls: 30 min­utes
  • Local SMS: 30 SMS
  • Inter­na­tion­al Calls: 20 Min­utes
  • Inter­na­tion­al SMS: 20 SMS

Virgin UAE Tourist SIM Bonus

After expir­ing or end­ing the plan, cus­tomers will receive 200MB of data for free which can be used on 100 Kbps. Users can acti­vate the boost­er to get half bun­dle again on the SIM card at the low­est prices. To get it, open the app and tap on Boost under your pack­age details.

How to get or buy a Virgin Tourist sim?

You can order a sim card online using your Google account or email address. It is easy and you can order it from abroad before com­ing to Dubai or UAE.

Buy virgin SIM card online UAE
  • Open the Vir­gin web­site
  • Select any plan and click on “Choose this plan”
  • Select your favourite num­ber or shuf­fle the num­bers to select any­one
  • Accept the terms and con­di­tions and click on the Pay Now but­ton
  • Enter your Deb­it card or cred­it card details to pay the fees
  • Now, enter the address or select the air­port where you will col­lect the sim
  • If you select­ed the eSIM, it will arrive in your email address in a few min­utes

You can also buy a sim card from any near­est Vir­gin store. If you order a SIM card, it is free and will arrive at your des­ti­na­tion in 60 min­utes. You have to pro­vide your Emi­rates ID to acti­vate the Vir­gin SIM card.

Most peo­ple are using the Vir­gin app to check data, calls and SMS. Vir­gin app is free and any cus­tomers can use it to acti­vate, deac­ti­vate and see the his­to­ry of the sim card.

Does Virgin Mobile Offer eSIM?

Yes, you can get a Vir­gin eSIM card by select­ing the SIM card type before buy­ing it. If you already have a phys­i­cal SIM card, you can move from a phys­i­cal SIM card to eSIM using the app. It can cost you around AED 20 to AED 40 depend­ing on the com­pa­ny pol­i­cy and sit­u­a­tion in future.

Can I buy a SIM card Airport without having an Emirates ID?

Yes, you can buy a tourist SIM card using your Pass­port only from any air­port when you land in UAE. The tourist SIM cards in UAE are for a lim­it­ed time only after this you have to migrate or buy a pre­paid SIM after get­ting your Emi­rates ID.

Can a Postpaid SIM card be purchased on a Passport?

No, to buy a pre­paid Vir­gin SIM card, you need your Emi­rates ID, a util­i­ty bill or a con­tract for your job. If you com­plete these all require­ments, you can buy a reg­u­lar SIM card from any store.

One thought on “Virgin UAE Tourist SIM Card — Plans and Prices or Buying Guide

  1. Recent­ly vis­it­ed UAE and tried out the Vir­gin Tourist SIM card. Great cov­er­age and easy to set up. Prices were rea­son­able too. Def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend it for trav­el­ers!

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