Cookies Policy

Last updat­ed: August 19, 2023

This Cook­ies Pol­i­cy explains what cook­ies are and how We use them. You should read this pol­i­cy so You can under­stand what type of cook­ies We use, or the infor­ma­tion We col­lect using Cook­ies and how that infor­ma­tion is used. This Cook­ies Pol­i­cy has been cre­at­ed with the help of the Cook­ies Pol­i­cy Gen­er­a­tor.

Cook­ies do not typ­i­cal­ly con­tain any infor­ma­tion that per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fies a user, but per­son­al infor­ma­tion that we store about You may be linked to the infor­ma­tion stored in and obtained from Cook­ies. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on how We use, store, and keep your data secure, see our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.

We do not store sen­si­tive per­son­al infor­ma­tion, such as mail­ing address­es, account pass­words, etc. in the Cook­ies We use.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the ini­tial let­ter is cap­i­tal­ized have mean­ings defined under the fol­low­ing con­di­tions. The fol­low­ing def­i­n­i­tions shall have the same mean­ing regard­less of whether they appear in sin­gu­lar or plur­al.


For this Cook­ies Pol­i­cy:

  • Com­pa­ny (referred to as either “the Com­pa­ny”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Cook­ies Pol­i­cy) refers to Dubai Sims.
  • Cook­ies means small files that are placed on Your com­put­er, mobile device, or any oth­er device by a web­site, con­tain­ing details of your brows­ing his­to­ry on that web­site among its many uses.
  • The web­site refers to Dubai Sims, acces­si­ble from
  • You mean the indi­vid­ual access­ing or using the Web­site, or a com­pa­ny, or any legal enti­ty on behalf of which such indi­vid­ual is access­ing or using the Web­site, as applic­a­ble.

The use of the Cookies

Type of Cookies We Use

Cook­ies can be “Per­sis­tent” or “Ses­sion” Cook­ies. Per­sis­tent Cook­ies remain on your per­son­al com­put­er or mobile device when You go offline, while Ses­sion Cook­ies are delet­ed as soon as You close your web brows­er.

We use both ses­sion and per­sis­tent Cook­ies for the pur­pos­es set out below:

  • Nec­es­sary / Essen­tial Cook­ies Type: Ses­sion Cook­ies Admin­is­tered by: Us Pur­pose: These Cook­ies are essen­tial to pro­vide You with ser­vices avail­able through the Web­site and to enable You to use some of its fea­tures. They help to authen­ti­cate users and pre­vent fraud­u­lent use of user accounts. With­out these Cook­ies, the ser­vices that You have asked for can­not be pro­vid­ed, and We only use these Cook­ies to pro­vide You with those ser­vices.
  • Func­tion­al­i­ty Cook­ies Type: Per­sis­tent Cook­ies Admin­is­tered by: Us Pur­pose: These Cook­ies allow us to remem­ber choic­es You make when You use the Web­site, such as remem­ber­ing your login details or lan­guage pref­er­ence. The pur­pose of these Cook­ies is to pro­vide You with a more per­son­al expe­ri­ence and to avoid You hav­ing to re-enter your pref­er­ences every time You use the Web­site.

Your Choices Regarding Cookies

If You pre­fer to avoid the use of Cook­ies on the Web­site, first You must dis­able the use of Cook­ies in your brows­er and then delete the Cook­ies saved in your brows­er asso­ci­at­ed with this web­site. You may use this option for pre­vent­ing the use of Cook­ies at any time.

If You do not accept Our Cook­ies, You may expe­ri­ence some incon­ve­nience in your use of the Web­site and some fea­tures may not func­tion prop­er­ly.

If You’d like to delete Cook­ies or instruct your web brows­er to delete or refuse Cook­ies, please vis­it the help pages of your web brows­er.

For any oth­er web brows­er, please vis­it your web browser’s offi­cial web pages.

More Information about Cookies

You can learn more about cook­ies: What Are Cook­ies?

Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Cook­ies Pol­i­cy, You can con­tact us:

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